

• 现当代文论与批评 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南开大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2019-01-25 发布日期:2019-04-29
  • 作者简介:刘俐俐,南开大学文学院教授,文艺学专业博士生导师,研究方向为文学批评理论。
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The Extension of Value in Literary Classics: A Case Study of Mark Twain's "Running for Governor"

Liu Lili   

  1. the School of Literature, Nankai University
  • Online:2019-01-25 Published:2019-04-29
  • About author:Liu Lili is a professor in the School of Literature, Nankai University, with main research interest in literary theory and criticism.
  • Supported by:
    the MOE Key Projects of Philosophy and Social Sciences Research(15JZD039) .

摘要: 论文以文学经典价值延伸现象与规律为研究对象,在确定本文“内在价值”构成是价值发生原初条件的理论基础上,以美国作家马克?吐温《竞选州长》在我国译介以及意义发生的历时考察为依据,在辩证讨论中探究到文学经典意义发生的一般规律:总是最先顺着作家理想诉求,顺着“第一批读者”的意义方向,是作品“内在价值”得以释放的表现,更奠定了后续意义延伸的基础。论文发现了文学经典延伸过程的阅读和意义发生出现既有理论无法覆盖和解释的特异现象。第一,沿着作者诉求以及“第一批读者”所获意义的方向,后续意义是在别样语境及时代理念氛围中,超越性扩展性地发生,两个阶段意义发生呈现为逐步移动趋势,但并不对立和矛盾。第二,意义发生超出了“文本限定的意义域”,从作品重心移向了当下语境个人自由体悟;从文本内部特性向越出文本规定性转移,此乃意义发生的特异现象。论文最后基于特异现象分析,提出了以大历史视野为考察文学经典价值通过贮存和转换而得以延伸的原则,如此方可正确理解文学经典的冷热变迁和教育功能暂时缺失等现象。

关键词: 文学经典, 价值延伸, 内在价值, 意义发生, 《竞选州长》

Abstract: Based on the priority of "internal value" in the genesis of a text's value, this article studies the extension of value in literary classics and its pattern. As can be seen in the Chinese translation of Mark Twain's "Running for Governor" and its diachronic generation of meaning, a regular pattern of meaning generation in literary classics can be found via dialectic discussion: literary classics always release their "internal value" in accordance with the authors' ideal appeal and "initial readers'" pursuits, which lays the foundation for subsequent extension of meaning. Furthermore, this article has found, during the extension of value in literary classics, special phenomena inexplicable by current literary theories. First, subsequent meaning occurs in different contexts and times by transcending and extending the meaning conceived by "initial readers" and authors, which features development instead of contradiction. Second, the generation of meaning goes beyond the boundary of textual meaning, shifting its focus from the text per se to the context of individual experience. Such a departure from the internal textual features and prescription defines this special phenomenon. From the analysis of these phenomena, a principle is presented to examine how the value of literary classics is extended by preservation and conversion from a grand historical perspective, which is key to understanding the popularity and unpopularity of literary classics and temporary absence of their educational functions.

Key words: literary classics, the extension of value, internal value, genesis of meaning, "Running for Governor"