

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


张岳林, 杨洋   

  1. 皖西学院文化与传媒学院
  • 出版日期:2019-01-25 发布日期:2019-04-29
  • 作者简介:张岳林,皖西学院文化与传媒学院副教授,从事古代文学、皖籍作家研究。 杨洋,皖西学院文传学院讲师。
  • 基金资助:

State-oriented Essays and "Author" Consciousness: Discourse Construction of the Original Literary Criticism of "A Discourse on Literature"

Zhang Yuelin, Yang Yang #br#   

  1. 安徽省六安市月亮岛皖西学院
  • Online:2019-01-25 Published:2019-04-29
  • About author:Zhang Yuelin, Ph. D., is an associate professor in the School of Culture and Communication at West AnhuiUnivensity. His research focuses on ancient Chinese literature and writers in Anhui Province. Yang Yang is a lecturer in the School of Culture and Communication at West Anhui University. Her research interest is ancient Chinese Literature.
  • Supported by:
    This article is supported by the Philosophy and Social Sciences Research Fund of Anhui Province (AHSKY2014D115) and "Literature Teaching Team" Quality Project of Department of Education, Anhui Province (2018jxtd)

摘要: “文学自觉”“文学不自觉”都不是曹丕清醒意识到的问题,今人以此批评曹丕的文学观,存在“以西律例”“以今律古”“碎片化”等问题。从建安时代的文学话语建构角度说,《典论·论文》是以“文章经国”的视野,和“作者自觉”的论述为轴心进行的原文学批评话语建构,是建立在国家意识基础上的总体化的文学纲领。其“文气”“文人”“文章”“文体”等概念及其建构的整体性批评都是具有丰富意义的原文学批评话语,体现了汉魏时期文学观生成过程的复杂性、含混性和整体性。

关键词: 文学自觉, 文章经国, 作者自觉, 原批评话语建构

Abstract: "Literary self-consciousness" and "literary unconsciousness" were not issues that Cao Pi had realized, yet when contemporary people offer their critique of Cao Pi's literary views from these perspectives, there emerge such problems as "fitting Chinese cases into Western discourse", "interpreting ancient literature with contemporary ideas" and "fragmentation". In terms of literary discourse construction in the time of Jian'an, Cao Pi's "A Discourse on Literature" was the discourse construction of original literary criticism from the perspective of "state-oriented essays" and the discussion axis of "author consciousness", which was a total literary project based on national consciousness. Its concepts of "literary spirit", "literati", "essay", "style" and so on and its establishment of integral criticism were all meaningful and original literary criticism discourse, which embodied the complexity, ambiguity and integrality of the formation of literary views in the Han and Wei dynasties.

Key words: literary self-consciousness, state-oriented essays, author consciousness, construction of original critical discourse