

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 山东大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2018-11-25 发布日期:2019-03-24
  • 作者简介:李桂奎,文学博士,山东大学文学院教授,主要从事明清小说、古代文论研究。
  • 基金资助:

The Combination of Emotions and Things in Traditional Chinese Poetics

Li Guikui   

  1. the School of Literature, Shandong University
  • Online:2018-11-25 Published:2019-03-24
  • About author:Li Guikui, Doctor in literature, is a professor of the School of Literature, Shandong University, specializing in the fiction of the Ming and Qing dynasties, as well as classical criticism.
  • Supported by:
    This article was supported by the Major Project of National Social Sciences Foundation (15ZDB067).

摘要: 从“感物吟志”“感事遣怀”“述事寄情”“情事合一”等一系列基于创作实践的理论概括,我们不难发现,中国传统诗论包含着一套“情”“事”同舟互济原理。从诗论传统看,“感事而生情”观念根深蒂固。根据“感事而生情”“缘事而发”等传统观念,人们也逐渐意识到应该是先有“事”,后有“情”,情因事发,叙事是抒情的支撑和必要手段。基于此,宋代的魏泰在其《临汉隐居诗话》中提出了“述事以寄情”观念,明确了叙事服务于抒情的关系。后来,关于“述事以寄情”笔致下的诗歌文本生态,明代孔天胤在其《唐诗纪事序》中有这样几句概括:“[……]皆情感事而发,抒辞缘情而绮丽,即情事之合一。”此所谓“情事之合一”道出了唐诗乃至整个中国古代诗歌的文本秘密。当然,传统诗歌理论史上逐渐形成的“意境”或“境界”等重要范畴包含着“情事之合一”思想。“意”偏于抒情而又含有叙事因素,“境”则因以情领事而又偏于叙事。

关键词: 感事生情, 述事寄情, 情事合一, 诗论重构

Abstract: From a series of theoretical summaries based on creative practice, such as "expressing sentiment in response to objects or things", "revealing emotions in narratives" and "integration of emotions and things", it is easy to find that traditional Chinese poetics contains a set of combination of "emotion" and "things". The idea of "emotions arising from felt things" is deeply rooted in traditional Chinese poetics. Accordingly, scholars gradually realized that there should be "things" first, then "emotions". In other words, emotions are caused by things, and narratives are the basic and necessary means of lyric expression. Based on this, Wei Tai in the Song Dynasty put forward the idea of "presenting things to convey emotions" in his Lin Han Seclusion Poetry, which clarified narratives' subordination to lyricism. Later in the Ming Dynasty, with regard to the ecology of poetry underlined by "presenting things with sentiment", Kong Tianyin summarizes in his Tang Shi Chronicles Preface the idea of "integration of emotions and things", which revealed the secrets of Tang poetry and even entire ancient Chinese poetry. Of course, such important concepts as "artistic conception (yijing)" or "realm (jingjie)" that gradually developed in the history of traditional poetry theory were all imbued with the idea of "integration of emotions and things". Among them, "meaning (yi)" leaned towards lyricism and contained narrative factors, while "state (jing)" leaned towards narrative with elements of emotions.

Key words: emotions arising from felt things, presenting things to convey emotions, integration of emotions and things, reconstruction of poetry theory