

• 专题:实用主义美学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 大连理工大学外国语学院
  • 出版日期:2018-09-25 发布日期:2018-11-28
  • 作者简介:殷晓芳,大连理工大学外国语学院副教授,主要从事美国现当代诗歌及其与哲学的关系研究。
  • 基金资助:

Form in the Vein of Pragmatist Aesthetics: Dewey's Debt to and Distance from Emerson

Yin Xiaofang   

  1. the School of Foreign Languages, Dalian University of Technology
  • Online:2018-09-25 Published:2018-11-28
  • About author:Yin Xiaofang, is an associate professor at the School of Foreign Languages, Dalian University of Technology. Her major research interest is in modern and contemporary American poetry and its relation to philosophy.
  • Supported by:
    This article is a stage achievement of the Humanities and Social Sciences project funded by China Ministry of Education (14YJA752018).

摘要: 本文针对杜威和爱默生在审美形式论上的交集与分野进行比较分析。就形式美学的筹划而言,杜威和爱默生都以批判传统的形式论为出发点,将理论的构建基于日常的感觉经验,形成了有机的、动态的形式论,并最终将获得审美形式的方式作为实现人的意义的实用途径。但在方法论上,杜威则有别于爱默生。爱默生在审美主体对自然事实的疏离性的现象学观察中,以“视觉—知觉”的审美逻辑和类比思维,使“看”的视觉经验转化为具有流变、过剩、关系和过程等特征的有机整体形式论。而杜威在主体的审美经验中,更关心自然的(或作品的)事实向主体的多元感觉的敞开、主体与自然的协作以及在协作过程中主体智慧的成长及其过程。杜威的形式是审美主体通过“做”和“经受”而与自然之间形成的历史性和发展性的节奏与和谐,是矛盾事物间达成的动态平衡。如果爱默生的形式论是为人的自我更新所寻求的方法,那么杜威的形式论则是为人的“艺术地生活”所提供的范式。

关键词: 杜威, 爱默生, 实用主义, 审美, 形式

Abstract: This article makes a comparative analysis of Dewey's debt to and distance from Emerson in the vein of the aesthetic theory of form. In their aesthetic projects, Dewey and Emerson, departing from the criticism of the relevant traditional theories of form, base their formal thoughts on the everyday experience, construct them into formal theories with organic and dynamic features, and eventually treat the way of achieving aesthetic form as a valid approach to human significance. But in methodology, Dewey differs from Emerson. In the aesthetic subject's detached phenomenological observation of natural facts, Emerson, in the logic of sensory-perception, transforms analogically his experience of seeing into a form of an organic whole, while Dewey is more concerned with the opening of natural facts (or artwork's facts) to the aesthetic subject's multiple sensory, the subject's coordination with nature as well as his growth in wisdom in the collaborative process. Dewey's form, as a dynamic balance of conflicting forces in nature, is of historical and progressive rhythm and harmony formed through the subject's doing with nature and his undergoing in nature. If Emerson's theory of form is a method in which for Man to realize his self-renewal, then Dewey's theory of form is a paradigm by which for Man to live an artful life.

Key words: Dewey, Emerson, pragmatism, aesthetics, form
