

• 专题:实用主义美学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 华东师范大学中文系
  • 出版日期:2018-09-25 发布日期:2018-11-28
  • 作者简介:汤拥华,文学博士,华东师范大学中文系教授,主要从事美学与文学理论的研究。
  • 基金资助:

Richard Rorty and the Possibility of a Neo-pragmatic Literary Theory

Tang Yonghua   

  1. the Department of Chinese Language and Literature in East China Normal University
  • Online:2018-09-25 Published:2018-11-28
  • About author:Tang Yonghua, Ph.D., is a professor at the Department of Chinese Language and Literature in East China Normal University. His main research interest is aesthetics and literary theory.
  • Supported by:
    the General Project (18BZW011) and the Major Project (14ZDB087) of the National Social Sciences Foundation of China

摘要: 根据罗蒂新实用主义的逻辑,我们不能说罗蒂的文学理论以其哲学思想为基础,而只能说作为新实用主义者的罗蒂与作为文学理论家的罗蒂,在某种意义上构成相互阐发的关系。所以我们不妨从新实用主义的定义难题出发,充分激活文学与哲学的张力关系,考察罗蒂对文学理论的设计与期待。我们还可以将理论分为“探究”“难题化”“疗治”三种路径,以求对一种可能的新实用主义文学理论的提问方式、运思路径和论说策略进行更好的定位。

关键词: 罗蒂, 新实用主义, 文学理论

Abstract: In virtue of the logic of Richard Rorty's neo-pragmatism, it is problematic to claim that Rorty's literary theory is based on his philosophy. Rather, Rorty as a neo-pragmatist and a literary theorist can both make more sense if they are put together. So we may need start from the controversy over the definition of neo-pragmatism, and activate the tension between literature and philosophy, in order to give a more thoughtful examination of Rorty's design of literary theory. Besides, we can divide theories into three types according to their function: inquiry, problematization, and therapeutics. Thus we may place better a possible neo-pragmatic literary theory, including how it asks, how it thinks, and how it answers.

Key words: Rorty, neo-pragmatism, literary theory
