
文艺理论研究 ›› 2018, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 106-117.

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘晓明, 孙向荣   

  1. 广州大学文学思想研究中心
  • 出版日期:2018-09-25 发布日期:2018-11-28
  • 作者简介:刘晓明,文学博士,广州大学文学思想研究中心教授、博士生导师,主要从事艺术哲学、戏剧理论研究。 孙向荣,广州大学学报编辑部编辑,主要从事古典文献学研究。
  • 基金资助:

Xing in Mei Shi: A Theory on Genetic Poetics

Liu Xiaoming, Sun Xiangrong   

  1. Literature Theory Research Center, Guangzhou University
  • Online:2018-09-25 Published:2018-11-28
  • About author:Liu Xiaoming, Ph.D., Director of the Literature Theory Research Center, Guangzhou University. His research interests are philosophy of arts and drama theory. Sun Xiangrong, editor of Journal of Guangzhou University. His research interest is mainly ancient classic Chinese literature.
  • Supported by:

摘要: 与一般讨论《诗经》之“兴”所时关注的诗歌表现不同,本文关注的是创作者内在性的“兴意”,这种兴意是昧式的:既是能动的,也是不确定的,处于未注意状态之中,因而也就具有了无限的可能。这种开放的可能性便构成了诗学的构成性与发生性。本文具体阐释了昧式之“兴”的四种内涵,以及作为发生诗学的生成机理:兴意在一种未被注意的昧式之中与感性经验邂逅,由此“境会”形成起兴,其发生机制是作者也不自知昧式之能。在此基础上,根据表达程式结构成兴体诗。由于创作意识不再规定为诗歌形成的必然条件,昧式遂成为兴诗的可能性和一种“效应”。昧式之兴开显的存在往往是不被引起注意的感受,从而揭示了一种文学“存在的被遗忘”。

关键词: 兴, 昧式, 发生, 诗学

Abstract: Different from general arguments mainly concerning the expression of Poetics in Shi Jing. This article is mainly concerned with "Xing Yi" (Affective Image's inner motif) of the authors' internality, which is also in the scope of mei shi. It is not only dynamic but also uncertain. It has not been conceptualized yet and is in an unattended state. Therefore, in this way it generates infinite possibilities, which thence constitute the constitution and genesis of poetics. This paper expounds four connotations on "Xing" in mei shi, and the generative mechanism of genetic poetics. "Xing Yi" encounters emotional experience in unattended mei shi. Xing of generation is thus initiated, the genetic mechanism of which is actually driven by a kind of energy of mei shi that the authors do not even realize. On this basis, the expressive program has been made into Xing-style poetry. Since creative consciousness is no longer stipulated as the necessary condition for the formation of poetry, mei shi becomes the possibility and "effect" of poetry. Existence presented by Xing of generation is often an unnoticed feeling which thereby reveals "the existing forgotten" of literature.

Key words: Xing, mei shi, genetic, poetics
