
文艺理论研究 ›› 2018, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4): 80-90.

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


王兆鹏, 肖鹏

  1. 中南民族大学
  • 出版日期:2018-09-25 发布日期:2018-10-22
  • 作者简介:王兆鹏,文学博士,中南民族大学教授,主要从事词学研究。 肖鹏,文学博士,中南民族大学客座教授,主要从事词学研究。
  • 基金资助:

The Nature of the Incident of the Tea Merchant Lai Wenzheng and Its Suppression by Xin Qiji

Wang Zhaopeng, Xiao Peng   

  1. South-Central University for Nationalities
  • Online:2018-09-25 Published:2018-10-22
  • About author:Wang Zhaopeng, Ph.D. in Literature, is a professor of South-Central University for Nationalities. He is mainly engaged in the study of ci poetry. Xiao Peng, Ph.D. in Literature, is a guest professor of South-Central University for Nationalities. He is mainly engaged in the study of ci poetry.
  • Supported by:
    The National Social Sciences Fund for Major Project (No.12&ZD154)

摘要: 南宋的“榷茶”制度,使茶商无利可图,铤而走险,故茶商之乱频繁发生。茶商之乱,不是农民起义,而是类似于黑社会性质的不法行为。他们既对抗官府的茶叶缉私,也打家劫舍,祸害平民。学界常将茶商赖文政武装团伙称为“茶商军”,实属误解。“茶商军”本是专门对付茶商叛乱的官军。赖文政团伙先从湖北起事,旋攻入湖南、江西,朝廷派正规军镇压,调换三任提刑,动用上万兵力围剿,都无济于事。辛弃疾受命为江西提刑后,前往赣州平叛。他采取重兵围困、多路伏击,招安诱降等策略,两个多月即将其剿灭,充分展示出才干将略。立功受赏,激发起他对未来的信心和希望,但期待中等来的任命让他大失所望,领兵北伐的梦想再次落空。从赣州北上赴任途经造口时,写下《菩萨蛮·书江西造口壁》,表现岁月蹉跎、时不我待的焦虑。词的主旨并非表现历史潮流不可抗拒,亦非影射朝廷的投降派及各种阻碍抗金斗争的反动势力。

关键词: 宋词, 辛弃疾, 赖文政, 茶商军, 《菩萨蛮·书江西造口壁》

Abstract: In the Southern Song dynasty, the system of "tea monopoly" made tea unprofitable, and then tea merchants took risks and caused frequent riots. These riots were not peasant uprisings, but illegal activities similar to gangsters' organized crimes. They not only fought against the government's crushing of tea smuggling, but also plundered houses and pillaged civilians. It is a misunderstanding that the academia usually refers to the armed gangs of the tea merchant Lai Wenzheng as the "tea merchant army". The "tea merchant army" was an official army that specialized in dealing with the rebellion of tea merchants. The armed gang of Lai Wenzheng started the revolt in Hubei, and soon moved into Hunan and Jiangxi. The court of the Southern Song dynasty sent the regular army to put it down, replaced three judicial executives, and used tens of thousands of troops to suppress the gang but to no avail. Xin Qiji was appointed as judicial executive of Jiangxi Province and went to Ganzhou to suppress the revolt. He adopted a series of tactics such as besieging with massive forces, ambush by multiple ways, offering amnesty for surrender. In the end, he spent about two months defeating the armed gang of Lai Wenzheng, and fully demonstrated his talents. His meritorious deeds aroused his confidence and hope for the future, but the next appointment disappointed him, for his dreamed expedition to the north failed once again. He took his new office from Ganzhou to the north, and wrote "Pu Sa Man · Writing on the Wall of Zaokou in Jiangxi" when he passed by Zaokou. This poem shows the anxiety for elapsing time. In this case, the main purpose of the poem is not to express the irresistible torrents of history, nor to allude to the capitulationists in the imperial court and all kinds of reactionary forces that obstructed the struggle against the Jin dynasty.

Key words: ci poetry of the Song dynasty, Xin Qiji, Lai Wenzheng, tea merchant army, "Pu Sa Man·Writing on the Wall of Zaokou in Jiangxi"