

• 专题:康德美学研究 •    下一篇



  1. 上海大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2018-03-25 发布日期:2018-10-19
  • 作者简介:刘旭光,博士,上海大学文学院教授,主要从事中西方美学史与艺术学理论研究。
  • 基金资助:
    上海市高峰高原学科 (哲学) 、国家社科基金重大项目“20世纪西方文论中的中国问题研究”[项目编号:16ZDA194]的阶段性成果

The Sense of Beauty as Sensus Communis: the Issue of Sense of Beauty in Aesthetic Experiences

Liu Xuguang   

  1. the College of Liberal Arts, Shanghai University
  • Online:2018-03-25 Published:2018-10-19
  • About author:Liu Xuguang, Ph.D.,is a professor of the College of Liberal Arts, Shanghai University (Shanghai 200444, China). His main research area is Chinese and Westerm history of aesthetics and arts theory.
  • Supported by:
    Shanghai Manicipal EducationCommission (philosophy), and National Social Science Foundation of China of Major Programme (16ZDA194)

摘要: 在鉴赏判断中,共通感作为一种“内心状态的普遍能传达性”,是鉴赏判断的前提,是表象力的“自由感”和诸种认识能力的内在比例。使用共通感这个概念的理论目的,是要解决“每个人的情感与每个他人的特殊情感相汇合的客观必然性”。它既是审美愉悦的先天构成性原则,也是经验的调节性原则。但康德认为共通感就不是一种“感觉”,而是基于人的反思性的评判能力而被预设出的“理念”,但现代哲学说明感官自身有具体的普遍性。在审美中,这种普遍性一方面是时代性的,另一方面也是民族性的,通过教化而使人们具有共通感,成为欧洲人文主义的核心观念,这个观念虽然被后现代思想家所怀疑与批判,但不能动摇共通感在审美的核心地位。

关键词: 共通感, 审美, 美感

Abstract: As a kind of universal capacity for the communication of the state of mind, sensus communis is the premise of aesthetic judgment, a feeling of the free play of the powers of representation, and proportion of cognitive powers. When we use the concept of sensus communis, we intend to deal with the objective necessity of the confluence of the feeling of everyone with that of each. It is the constitutive principle for aesthetic pleasure, and the regulative principle for experience. Kant does not think that sensus communis is a kind of sense, but a kind of idea. However, Marxists believe that sense is universal. In aesthetic experiences, sensus communis is both confined by time and nationality. It is the central idea of European humanism to endow people with sensus communis through moral teaching. Although challenged by postmodernists, it still holds a solid central status in aesthetic experience.

Key words: sensus communis, aesthetics, sense of beauty