

• 专题:阿甘本研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南京大学哲学系
  • 出版日期:2018-03-25 发布日期:2018-10-19
  • 作者简介:蓝江,南京大学哲学系教授,主要研究当代欧陆激进哲学思想。

Words as Signatures: Agamben and the End of Poetry

Lan Jiang   

  1. the Department of Philosophy, Nanjing University
  • Online:2018-03-25 Published:2018-10-19
  • About author:Lan Jiang is a professor in the Department of Philosophy, Nanjing University, with research interest in contemporary continental radical philosophy.

摘要: 在阿甘本那里,存在着奥秘之火与语言叙事之间的张力关系。而诗性语言,尤其是从基督教颂歌中承袭下来的诗歌形式本身封印了天国与大地之间的奥秘。里尔克的《杜伊诺哀歌》和荷尔德林的诗歌正是这种奥秘封印下的产物。然而,对封印的解决,绝不是像马拉美的《骰子一掷》中一样直接让诗歌词句碎片化,在打破封印的时候,也消除了封印背后的奥秘。阿甘本主张从让词语安息的渎神方式入手,将封印所固化的政治秩序和语言秩序转化为新的潜能。而菲利普·贝克的诗正是一种渎神之诗,通过让词语的安息,被诗封印的奥秘以全新的形式实现了它的潜能。

关键词: 阿甘本, 封印,

Abstract: In Agamben's works, there is a tension between the mysterious fire and the narrative language. The language, which derives from the doxologies in Christology, seals the mystery between the Heaven and the Earth. Rilke's Duino Elegies and H9 lderlin's poetry could be regarded as the production of these signatures. However, if we intend to break the signature, we cannot destroy the words and verses in poetry, as Mallarmé does in Coup de dès, because as soon as we destroy the signature, the mystery behind it will be dispersed. Therefore, Agamben argues that we can transform the fossilized political and linguistic order into a new potential through profaning words which make those operated apparatuses inoperative. The poems written by Phillipe Beck are exactly profaning poetry, in which, by inoperativity of words, the mystery sealed by poetry realizes its potentiality in a radical and new form.

Key words: Agamben, signature, poetry