
文艺理论研究 ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (5): 140-151.

• 专题:批判理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 山东大学文艺美学研究中心
  • 出版日期:2017-09-25 发布日期:2018-10-17
  • 作者简介:杨建刚,文学博士,山东大学文艺美学研究中心副教授,主要从事文学理论和美学研究。
  • 基金资助:

The Semiotical Expansion of Critical Theory: The Semiotical Methods in Baudrilard's Academic Research

Yang Jian'gang   

  1. Center for Literary Theory and Aesthetics of Shandong University
  • Online:2017-09-25 Published:2018-10-17
  • About author:Yang Jian'gang is an associate professor at the Center for Literary Theory and Aesthetics of Shandong University, His main research interests are literary theory and aesthetics.
  • Supported by:
    the National Social Sciences Fund of China (No. 11CZW010) and the Young Scholars Program of Shandong University (No. 2015WLJHOZ)

摘要: 鲍德里亚是马克思主义与符号学之间的相互征用与对话中的一个重要理论家。虽然鲍德里亚的学术生涯经历了由马克思主义向后马克思主义的转变,但符号学是贯穿始终的方法论。正是符号学方法的运用使其学术生涯呈现出断裂与联系的内在张力。通过将符号学引入马克思主义,鲍德里亚对消费社会的物体系、时尚和艺术品拍卖及其体现出来的消费意识形态进行了分析和批判,进而发展出一种独特的符号政治经济学批判理论,以此丰富和发展了经典马克思主义以及法兰克福学派的批判理论。也正是将符号学方法推向深入,促使他最终背离了马克思主义生产理论的基本原则,并在对后工业社会的文化、艺术和传媒等文化景观的批判中发展出了拟像、仿真、内爆和超真实等学说,并以此把海湾战争作为一种媒介事件展开批判,从而成为一个典型的后现代理论家。

关键词: 消费社会, 物体系, 符号政治经济学, 仿真, 媒介事件

Abstract: Jean Baudrilard made great contributions to the dialogue between Marxism and Semiotics. Although he changed from a Marxist to a Post-Marxist, semiotics has always been his methodology throughout his academic career. This intrinsic tension between breakage and connection is primarily caused by the usage of semiotics. By introducing semiotics into Marxism, he began to analyze and criticize the object system, fashion, auction of work of arts and the consumer ideology of consumer society, and formulated his unique critical theory of the political economy of the sign. As a result, he enriched and developed the critical theory of classical Marxism and the Frankfurt School. Also because of the usage of semiotics, he deviated from the basic principles of production theory of Marxism and put forward important concepts such as simulacrum, simulation, implosion and hyper-realism, and criticized the Gulf War as a media event. Ultimately, he became a typical postmodernist.

Key words: consumer society, object system, political economy of the sign, simulation, media event