
文艺理论研究 ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (3): 53-65.

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 广州大学文学思想研究中心
  • 出版日期:2017-05-25 发布日期:2018-01-24
  • 作者简介:康保成,文学博士,广州大学文学思想研究中心资深特聘教授,中山大学中国非物质文化遗产研究中心学术委员会副主任,主要从事古代戏曲、民俗、非物质文化遗产学研究。 陈燕芳,中山大学中文系博士研究生,古代文学专业,主要从事清代地方戏曲研究。

The Origin of the Title "the Four Dreams of Linchuan" and the Deep Significance of The Peony Pavilion

Kang Baocheng, Chen Yanfang   

  1. the Chinese Department, Sun Yat-Sen University (Guangzhou 510275, China)
  • Online:2017-05-25 Published:2018-01-24
  • About author:Kang Baocheng is a professor at the Chinese Department, Sun Yat-Sen University (Guangzhou 510275, China). His research interests cover traditional Chinese opera, folk-customs, and intangible cultural heritage. Chen Yanfang is a Ph.D. Candidate at the Chinese Department, Sun Yat-Sen University (Guangzhou 510275, China). Her current research focuses on local Chinese opera in the Qing Dynasty.

摘要: “临川四梦”说并不符合汤显祖四部传奇的实际,《紫钗记》不能以“梦”来概括。“四梦”说是汤显祖本人受到车任远的四个杂剧(合称“四梦”)以及《金瓶梅词话》中的俗曲“四梦八空”的启发而提出的,明末附和者寥寥,清康熙时才遍布天下。车任远的“四梦”和《金瓶梅》的“四梦八空”都带有浓厚的虚幻和色空色彩。汤显祖的后期传奇亦如此,其中《牡丹亭》的内涵比较隐蔽。作品弘扬的是人的自然本能和宣泄本能的自由,而主要不是歌颂爱情;同时,梦境和现实的巨大落差,杜丽娘“鬼可虚情,人须实礼”的话语和行为,不仅是对现实的否定,还开启了作者禅悟的初心。这一写法对后来的《长生殿》和《红楼梦》产生了明显影响。

关键词: 四梦, 三梦, 二梦, 牡丹亭, 自然本能, 虚空

Abstract: The title "the Four Dream of Linchuan" is not in accordance with the facts of the four Chuanqi plays written by Tang Xianzu, for "The Purple Hairpin", one of the "four dreams" has little to do with "dream" of any kind. Inspired by "the Four Dreams" written by Che Renyuan and the folk song "4 dreams 8 voids" in The Plum in the Golden Vase, Tang Xianzu himself began to use the title of "the Four Dreams of Linchuan". The title was rarely recognized till the late Ming Dynasty, but it became popular during the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. Both "the Four Dreams" by Che Renyuan and "4 dreams 8 voids" in The Plum in the Golden Vase strongly show the void of the world of senses on the philosophical level, as is manifested in the Chuanqi works of Tang Xianzu in his old age as well. However, the similar thoughts and feelings do not appear clearly in the play The Peony Pavilion, the primary aim which is not to eulogize love, but to praise the natural instinct of human beings and the freedom to give vent to them. In this play, the gap between the dreams and the realities, the words "The ghosts can express their affections directly, but human beings have to follow social etiquettes" Du Liniang said show the author's discontent with the reality and the start of his meditative mind. Tang's writing influenced later works such as The Palace of Eternal Life and A Dream of Red Mansions in a detestable way.

Key words: 4 dreams, 3 dreams, 2 dreams, Peony Pavilion, instinct, void