
文艺理论研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (5): 169-178.

• 美学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 华东师范大学中文系
  • 出版日期:2013-09-25 发布日期:2014-01-22
  • 作者简介:朱志荣,博士,华东师范大学中文系教授,主要研究领域:美学、文艺学等。

On the Tragic Consciousness of Chinese Aesthetics

Zhu Zhirong   

  1. the Department of Chinese, East China Normal University
  • Online:2013-09-25 Published:2014-01-22
  • About author:Zhu Zhirong, Ph.D., is a professor at the Department of Chinese, East China Normal University (Shanghai 200241, China), with research interests in aesthetics, literary theory and criticism.

摘要: 中国美学的悲剧意识,体现了主体以己度物的诗意体验,包括对自然生离死别的感受等。中国古代诗文中的伤春悲秋之作,就是这种体验的表现。人生悲剧中的文人悲剧意识、英雄悲剧意识和女性悲剧意识有着自己的独特特征,其内在的精神力量值得我们崇敬,给我们留下了强烈的悲愤、沉痛的哀思和无尽的思索。而中国古代文艺作品中的悲剧,则由英雄气概逐步走向平民化、世俗化。这种悲剧意识一方面深受儒、道、释等传统文化的影响和制约,另一方面也具有突破传统文化樊篱和束缚的潜质,体现了感人的悲悯情怀、深沉的忧患意识、宣泄怨愤的情感和悲喜交错等特征。中国戏曲中的悲剧往往以大团圆结局,受到了中国传统文化,特别是求善的文化心理的影响,具有强大的道德感染力,是主体欣赏心态得以平衡的需要,也顺应了大众文化的娱乐性要求。

关键词: 悲剧意识, 伤春悲秋, 忧患意识, 悲喜交错, 大团圆

Abstract: In Chinese aesthetics, tragic consciousness shows as the poetic experience of a subject's empathy with objects, and this experience covers the bereavement or life-long separation, which may also reflect in the melancholic sense for the passing of spring and the coming of autumn in Chinese ancient literary works. The tragic consciousnesses of the literati, the hero and the female have their particular characteristics and inherent spirit. In ancient Chinese tragedies is seen a general transition of spirit from the heroic to the common and secular. On the one hand, this tragic consciousness is deeply influenced and constrained by Chinese cultural tradition including Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. On the other hand, it has the potential to break through the boundaries of traditional culture, reflecting the profound senses of compassion, crisis and sympathy among the people. Tragedies in Chinese literary history usually end with a happy denouement, which, the paper concludes, is influenced by traditional Chinese culture, especially by the cultural psychology of the pursuit of goodness. Happy denouement can not only insert strong moral impact to balance the audience's psychology but also appeal to the entertain need for the mass.

Key words: tragic consciousness, melancholic sense of season-alternation, sense of crisis, happiness-sadness interlaced, grand happy denouement