
文艺理论研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (5): 112-118.

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 河南大学文学院国学研究所
  • 出版日期:2013-09-25 发布日期:2014-01-22
  • 作者简介:王宏林,河南大学文学院国学研究所副教授,文学博士,主要从事明清诗学研究。
  • 基金资助:


The Conception of Canonization in Three Hundred Tang Poems

Wang Honglin   

  1. the Department of Chinese, Henan University
  • Online:2013-09-25 Published:2014-01-22
  • About author:Wang Honglin, Ph.D., is an associate professor at the Department of Chinese, Henan University (Kaifeng 475001, China) with main academic interests in the Ming and Qing Dynasty poetry.

摘要: 《唐诗三百首》是以《唐诗别裁集》初刻本为蓝本编选而成,主要表现为编选体例和选诗宗旨相近,所选篇目相合率较高。《唐诗三百首》选诗既重“诗教”,又重诗歌的艺术感染力。它在沿袭《唐诗别裁集》初刻本推尊盛唐观念的同时,降低了初唐诗的比重,突出了中晚唐诗歌,并把李商隐归举为唐诗大家。《唐诗三百首》的经典观反映了清代中期诗学思潮对唐诗经典体系的重新建构。

关键词: 《唐诗三百首》, 《唐诗别裁集》初刻本, 诗教, 诗必盛唐, 四唐分期

Abstract: The paper argues that Three Hundred Tang Poems was compiled on the basis of the first edition of A Collection of Differentiated Tang Poems (Tang Shi Bie Cai Ji) in terms of the number of overlapped poems in both books and of the similarity of their compilation style and principles. The selection of Three Hundred Tang Poems shows that it lays equal emphasis on the educational function and the artistic appeal of poetry. It continues to accolade the High Tang poetry as An Collection of Differentiated Tang Poems did, while reducing the weight of the Early Tang poetry to highlight the Middle and Late Tang poetry. One particular example is that it regards Li Shangyin as one of the masters. The paper concludes that the idea of canonization as shown in Three Hundred Tang Poems reflects the efforts to reconstruct the classical system of Tang poetry in the mid-Qing poetic thoughts.

Key words: Three Hundred Tang Poems; A Collection of Differentiated Tang Poems (Tang Shi Bie Cai Ji); the educationalization of poetry, the High Tang poetry, four periods of Tang poetry