
文艺理论研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (4): 86-96.

• 专题:“域外汉籍与古代文论研究” • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南京大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2013-07-25 发布日期:2013-08-29
  • 作者简介:张伯伟,南京大学文学院教授,南京大学人文社会高级研究院特聘教授,主要从事域外汉籍及中国诗学研究。

A New Horizon of the Study of Classical Chinese Literature

Zhang Bowei   

  1. School of Liberal Arts in Nanjing University
  • Online:2013-07-25 Published:2013-08-29
  • About author:Zhang Bowei is professor at School of Liberal Arts in Nanjing University, and Distinguished professor at Institute for Advanced Studies on Humanities and Social Sciences in Nanjing University (Nanjing 210093, China). His research fields focus on East Asian Classics in Chinese and Chinese poetics.

摘要: 域外汉籍研究在近十年来已成为国际汉学研究的新动向之一,这一动向的形成有其内部和外部的深刻原因,这些都在新材料发现的基础上,呼唤着新的理论命题和新的思考方法的提出。而所谓的“新”,来自于对新资料的解读和自身学术立场的反省,由此而有望开始二十一世纪中国学术的重新出发。简单地说,就是从“西方美人”到“东门之女”。本文以中国文学与东亚文明的关系着眼,利用域外汉籍提出五个方面的研究,描述其可资拓展的巨大空间,并指出在事实与理论之间必须保持“必要的张力”。

关键词: 域外汉籍研究, 东亚文明, 张力, 新展拓

Abstract: In recent decade, the research on overseas Chinese classics has become a new trend in the international sinology. There are profound internal and external reasons to this trend, and the formation of the trend is realized by newly-found materials which call for a new theoretical proposition and a new method of thinking. The "novelty" about the trend shows in the close-reading of new materials and the reflection of academic position of sinology, and these practices may be expected to initiate a new departure for the Chinese scholarship in the 21th century. In brief, the research paradigm will shift from "the Western dame" to "the Eastern daughter." This paper focuses on the relationship between the Chinese literature and East Asian civilizations, and proposes five areas of research which may benefit from overseas classical texts in Chinese language. It describes the potential space for exploration of the classical Chinese research and argues for the "necessary tension" between facts and theory.

Key words: studies on overseas Chinese Classics, East Asian civilization, tension, new horizon