
文艺理论研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (3): 125-131.

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 山东大学文艺美学研究中心
  • 出版日期:2013-05-25 发布日期:2013-06-25
  • 作者简介:谭好哲,文学博士,山东大学文艺美学研究中心教授,博士生导师,主要从事文艺理论和美学研究。
  • 基金资助:


Benevolent Neighborhood Is Beauty: The Meta-problem of the Aesthetic Thought in Pre-Qin Confucianism

Tan Haozhe   

  1. the Research Center for Literary Theory & Aesthetics, Shandong University
  • Online:2013-05-25 Published:2013-06-25
  • About author:Tan Haozhe, Ph.D., is a professor at the Research Center for Literary Theory & Aesthetics, Shandong University, with research interests in aesthetics, and literary and art theory.

摘要: 《论语》“里仁篇”里提出的“里仁为美”观点集中体现了儒家美学的人学底蕴,是先秦儒家美学中一个具有元问题性质的理论命题。该命题突出显示出了孔子的美学思想与其仁学思想体系的内在联系,揭示出美之为美的仁本根源,同时也成为孔子对于人生、社会、艺术以及自然等等各个不同领域进行审美思考和评判的依据与标准。孟子“充实之为美”的界定与“里仁为美”在本质上是一致的。“里仁为美”的思想彰显出先秦儒家美学思想的三个突出特点:一是具有很强的人生意味,二是偏重于从内容、内在性质方面论美,三是不把美的存在以及审美活动与其他存在和活动相互隔绝。此外,这一思想也具有显明的现代价值:其所标举的仁爱精神、处世原则和思想情怀,可以对当今欲望膨胀的物化人生起到一定的矫正作用;同时,汲取其中的仁本精神,发扬传统文化和艺术以善导美、美善并举的优秀传统,也有利于克服消费主义文化潮流影响下当代艺术审美活动内容空虚、情趣低俗的弊端。

关键词: 里仁为美, 先秦儒家, 美学思想, 元问题

Abstract: The idea that "benevolent neighborhood is beauty" in The Analects highlights the human aspect of Confucian aesthetics, and the theoretical proposition in the idea may be argued to be a meta-problem. It reveals the intrinsic connection between Confucius's aesthetics and his view of benevolence (Ren) and the benevolence-based nature of Confucian aesthetics, while it is the rationale and criteria for aesthetic thinking and judgment in various fields of life, society, art and nature. Confucius's idea of benevolence echoes in Mencius's concept that "enrichment and fulfillment are beauty." The idea that "benevolent neighborhood is beauty" highlights three main characteristics of pre-Qin Confucian aesthetic thought: 1) explicit concern about human life, 2) thematic and content approach to beauty, and (3) non-isolation among beauty, aesthetic activities and other practices. The paper claims that Confucius's idea of "benevolent neighborhood" also contains contemporary implications for the material-oriented way of living in the current society.

Key words: "Benevolent neighborhood is beauty", Pre-Qin Confucianism, aesthetic thought, meta-problem