
文艺理论研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (2): 67-76.

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 法国东亚文明研究院
  • 出版日期:2013-03-25 发布日期:2013-05-01
  • 作者简介:卓梦德,博士,就读于法国巴黎东方语言文化学院,目前在法国东亚文明研究院做博士后研究,她的主要研究兴趣在前现代和当代新儒学,中国哲学观念及其历史,以及宋代史。

Neo-Confucianism's Premises Facing Aesthetic Questions: Art, Ethics and the Way in Zhou Dunyi's Thought

Maud M'Bondjo   

  1. Centre de Recherche sur les Civilisations de l'Asie Orientale (CRCAO)
  • Online:2013-03-25 Published:2013-05-01
  • About author:Maud M'Bondjo, Ph.D. in Chinese Studies from The Institut National del Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO), is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Centre de recherche sur les civilisations de l'Asie orientale (CRCAO), Paris, France, with research interests in pre-modern and contemporary Neo-Confucianism, Chinese philosophical notions and history of Chinese philosophical literature, and the history of the Song Dynasty.

摘要: 周敦颐通常被学界视为宋朝理学的创始人,他在《通书》中有关道德(“德”)的论述,将艺术(“艺”)和现实(“实”)加以明确区分,但他又认为表达(“文”)的作用在于成全古圣王的道。本文在此基础上讨论周敦颐的艺术在何种程度上与道德对儒道重建所起的作用,并探讨周氏道德论述中是否包含着一种艺术哲学。本文认为,在周氏思想中,“诚”是一个很关键的概念。当道德修养需要通过艺术实践来完成时,那么“诚”或可理解为一个美学概念。在此基础上,本文进而讨论周氏的理论对后世理学家的影响,以及他是否为这一走向美学的思想运动设定了前提。

关键词: 周敦頤, 理学, 艺术, 道德, 美学, 诚信

Abstract: Zhou Dunyi (1017-1073) is commonly considered as the founder of the Confucian revival during the Song Dynasty (976-1279). In his moral treatise, Penetrating the Book of Changes, Zhou Dunyi clearly distinguishes "art (艺)" from "reality/truth (实)," and claims that the role of "expression (文)" is to express the Sage Kings' Way (圣王之道). The claim leads us to ask to what extent "art" helps along ethics in the restoration of the Way and whether there is a philosophy of art in Zhou Dunyi's moral discourse. The paper observes that cheng (诚 sincerity) is a central concept in Zhou Dunyi's thought and plays a key role in his apprehension of the Way. The paper then discusses "cheng" as an aesthetic concept on the basis that moral cultivation implies an artistic practice. The paper proceeds to discuss the influence of Zhou Dunyi on later Neo-Confucian masters and whether Zhou had established the premises of a major intellectual movement towards the aesthetics question.

Key words: Zhou Dunyi, Neo-Confucianism, art, ethics, aesthetics, sincerity