
文艺理论研究 ›› 2012, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 138-144.

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  1. 清华大学中文系
  • 出版日期:2012-07-25 发布日期:2012-09-12
  • 作者简介:程祥钰,清华大学中文系博士生,主要从事西方文艺理论研究。

Experience and History: Hoggart's The Uses of Literacy

Cheng Xiangyu   

  1. Department of Chinese, Tsinghua University
  • Online:2012-07-25 Published:2012-09-12
  • About author:Cheng Xiangyu is a Ph.D student at the Department of Chinese, Tsinghua University, with a research interest in Western literary theory.

摘要: 理查德·霍加特的《识字的用途》既是英国文化研究的奠基之作,也是五六十年代英国新左派文化论争的滥觞之作。在后世的争论中,关于霍加特本人和这部作品是否属于“文化利维斯主义”,以及其在战后英国左翼开创的一系列议题中的位置,一直是倍受关注的焦点,但这本书真正面对的特殊的历史情境及其意义却没有被广泛重视,因而往往导致相关评论陷入非此即彼的循环。本文试图综合现有的重要研究资料,对《识字的用途》加以历史性的理解,揭示其中的历史特殊性和这种特殊性对作者与作品的深远影响,从而以更为开放的角度来理解霍加特的局限性与开创性。 

关键词: 霍加特, 识字的用途, 工人阶级文化, 大众消费文化

Abstract: Richard Hoggart's The Uses of Literacy is generally taken to be an initiation of English cultural studies, and it also became one of the starting points of the "cultural controversy" emerged from the "first" New Left. The focal issues include whether Hoggart and this work fall under Leavisism, and what historical situation his work was born, but the historical specificities and implications have not been given due examination so that the research literature on Hoggart has fallen into an either-or cycle. The paper takes into consideration the historial background of Hoggart's The Uses of Literary and reveals the historical specificities and their influences on the work and its author so that it may illuminate the understanding of Hoggart's limitations and innovation.

Key words: Hoggart; The Uses of Literacy, culture of the working class, mass consumptive culture