
文艺理论研究 ›› 2012, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (2): 82-89.

• 中西文论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 美国纽约大学比较文学系
  • 出版日期:2012-03-25 发布日期:2012-08-30
  • 作者简介:雅克·勒兹拉教授是美国纽约大学比较文学系主任,研究领域包括英语文学、西班牙语文学、翻译理论与实践、以及批判理论等。他最近出版的著作包括《狂放唯物主义:恐怖伦理与现代共和国》(2010年英语版,2012年西班牙语版),《心灵的政治经济学:塞万提斯事件》(西班牙语版即出)。

The Futures of Comparative Literature

Jacques Lezra   

  1. Comparative Literature at New York University
  • Online:2012-03-25 Published:2012-08-30
  • About author:Jacques Lezra is Professor of Spanish, English, and Comparative Literature at New York University, Chair of Comparative Literature, and Director of Academic Planning for the NYU-Madrid campus.

摘要: 为了回应全球化现象,比较主义应该生成一套有关文学价值与普适性的概念。对比较文学学科的论辩式梳理显示,二战后的文学理论已危及大学中各学科间的界限;基于这一原因,此学科一直受到冷战人文主义所规约,而这又是基于阿诺德式的“世界”概念。比较主义应该制约而非采用这类概念,其理应承担的任务要包括:生产差异、守卫不可转译性、收复该学科与理论哲学的关系;简言之,比较主义应该拆解文学价值的一统化概念。

Abstract: Comparativism, this essay argues, should respond to the phenomenon of globalization by producing a critique of the concepts of literary value and universality. A polemical genealogy of the discipline of Comparative Literature shows "literary theory" in the post-war period to have emerged as a threat to disciplinary boundaries in the university, and for this reason to have always been regulated by a Cold-War humanism grounded in an Arnoldian belief in concepts like "the world." Comparativism should militate against such concepts rather than adopt them; it should take up the tasks of producing difference, of guarding untranslatability, of recapturing the discipline’s relation to speculative philosophy — in short, of unbuilding a unitary conception of literary value.