
文艺理论研究 ›› 2012, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (2): 4-11.

• 专题:当下文化批评研究 •    下一篇



  1. 首都师范大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2012-03-25 发布日期:2012-08-30
  • 作者简介:陶东风,首都师范大学文学院教授,主要从事当代中国文艺思潮研究、当代中国文化研究,已经出版《社会转型与当代知识分子》(上海三联书店,1999)、《文学理论的公共性》(福建教育出版社,2008),《当代中国文艺思潮与文化热点》(北京大学出版社,2008),《新时期文学三十年》(中国社会科学出版社,2008)等著作。

On the Publicity of Cultural Critique

Tao Dongfeng   

  1. Capital Normal University (Beijing)
  • Online:2012-03-25 Published:2012-08-30
  • About author:Tao Dongfeng is a professor at Capital Normal University (Beijing), and his research interests cover contemporary Chinese literary and cultural studies.

摘要: 作为公共书写形式的文化批评,以其公共性为根本特征。本文首先从文化批评的话题、文体、作者类型等方面论述了文化批评的公共性品格。接着文章援引阿伦特关于真理与意见的区分理论,认为文化批评之所以具有强烈的公共意义,恰恰因为它所传达的不是不可怀疑的“绝对真理”,也不是高深莫测的专业化知识,而是凡夫俗子皆可置喙、不但不是柏拉图式蔑视“意见”的哲学家,也不是现代学科化体制中的专家或学问家,而是一个勤于思考、敏于感受、富有责任感和社会理性的公共知识分子。文章最后指出,真正有力的文化批评不是抽象的审美批评或道德批评,更不是宗教批评,而是扎根中国本土现实的政治批评。

关键词: 文化批评, 公共知识分子, 公共空间, 政治批评

Abstract: This paper, based on Hannah Arendt's distinction between truth and opinion, argues that cultural critique owes its publicity to the fact that it doesn't claim absolute truths or professional knowledge but debatable, negotiable opinions. The space of cultural critique is the agora of public opinions, nor the wholesale centre of truths or laboratories of specialized knowledge. Cultural critics are neither philosophers with Platonic contempt for opinions nor professionals in modern hierarchical institutions, but public intellectuals with sensibility to public issues as well as social responsibility and reason. The paper points out that the potency of cultural critique lies not in its aesthetic or moral dimension, but in its political dimension.

Key words: cultural critique, public intellectual, public sphere, political critique