

• “五四文学百年纪念”专题 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 厦门大学中文系
  • 出版日期:2019-03-25 发布日期:2019-06-11
  • 作者简介:贺昌盛,文学博士,厦门大学中文系教授,主要从事文学基础理论与中国现代文论方面的研究。
  • 基金资助:

The Decline and Reconstruction of "Poetic" Text in Chinese "Renaissance"

He Changsheng   

  1. Chinese Department of Xiamen University
  • Online:2019-03-25 Published:2019-06-11
  • About author:He Changsheng, Ph. D., is a professor in Chinese Department of Xiamen University. His research interests cover literary theory and modern Chinese literary theory.
  • Supported by:
    the Key Project of National Social Sciences Fund(14AZW001) 

摘要: 将中国的新文化运动类比为欧洲的“文艺复兴”,目的在借助“语言”为突破口,通过“文言”向“白话”的“换形”,为现代中国寻找到能够与之相对应的“言说/书写”的总体性“形式”。但基于汉语文学自身悠久的“抒情”传统,以“诗”为正统本位的“文体形制”已经无法“赋予”与“现代”的“叙事”世界相对应的“心灵形式”了。“白话新诗”的尝试既未能延续汉语文学的“诗”的传统,也未能成功地移植域外“现代诗”之召唤真理的特定功能,由此导致了汉语文学“诗性”的没落。而在另一方面,出于晚明小品文和欧洲絮语散文的启发,白话的“美文”反而为现代文学寻找到了一条可行的“赋形”路径,汉语文学自身的“诗性”传统也因此得以“再生”和“重建”。

关键词: 文艺复兴, 白话, 诗性, 美文

Abstract: To compare China's New Cultural Movement to Europe's Renaissance aims at finding a totalizing Chinese form of "speech/writing" that may be equivalent to the Western counterpart, and the way to achieve it is to build on the transformation of language from classical Chinese to vernacular as a breakthrough. However, the long-established "lyrical" tradition in Chinese literature and the genre system which orthodoxizes poetry have no capacity to endow a spiritual form that can correspond to the narrative of the modern. The Vernacular Poetry fails to extend the tradition of poeticization in Chinese literature and to appropriate the specific truth-pursuing function in foreign modern poetry, which leads to the eventual decline of the poeticness of Chinese literature. On the other hand, the vernacular belles-lettres, inspired by the late Ming Dynasty essays and European essays, provides a feasible path to "con-formation" for modern literature, with which the "poetic" tradition of Chinese literature has been renewed and reconstructed.

Key words: Renaissance, vernacular Chinese, poeticness, belles-lettres
