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  1. 四川文理学院
  • 出版日期:2018-03-25 发布日期:2018-10-19
  • 作者简介:姜约,博士,四川文理学院副研究员,主要从事审美人类学和文艺理论研究。
  • 基金资助:

The Tension of Expression and Ways to Balancing

Jiang Yue   

  1. Sichuan University of Arts and Science
  • Online:2018-03-25 Published:2018-10-19
  • About author:Jiang Yue, Ph.D., is an associate researcher at Sichuan University of Arts and Science. His research interests cover aesthetic anthropology and theory of literature and art.
  • Supported by:
    The Common Development of Chinese Multi-ethnic Literatures in the Key National Social Sciences Foundation (11&ZD104) .

摘要: 人文社会科学领域的“表述危机”是由表述张力的失衡引起的。表述的张力现象非常普遍,不仅广泛存在于同一文本和表述同一本文的不同文本之中,而且存在于对同一本文的理解、表述与再理解之间。当表述的各种张力趋于平衡时,文本就趋向于成功;当张力中的一方过大时,就出现了表述张力的失衡,表述张力的失衡要么使表述趋于失败,要么产生侵略性表述文本。分析表述张力的目的就是要通过有效途径使表述的张力系统得以平衡,一方面促使表述获得成功,另一方面避免侵略性表述文本的产生。

关键词: 表述危机, 自表述, 他表述, 张力失衡, 平衡之道

Abstract: The "crisis of expression" in the humanities and social sciences is caused by the imbalance of expression tension. The phenomenon of expression tension is very common; it is not only found in the same text and different texts of the same object, but also in the process of understanding, expression and re-understanding the same text. The text tends to be successful when the various expression tensions are balanced. When one of the tensions is too strong to keep balance, it either leads to the failure of the expression, or produces texts of aggressive expression. The purpose of analyzing the expression tension is to balance the tension system of expression to facilitate successful expression and to avoid the production of aggressive texts.

Key words: crisis of expression, self-expression, be expressed, the imbalance of tension, ways of balancing