
文艺理论研究 ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 100-109.

• 专题:乐学与诗(曲)学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 华东师范大学中文系
  • 出版日期:2017-09-25 发布日期:2017-11-26
  • 作者简介:朱惠国,博士,华东师范大学中文系教授,主要从事于词学、唐宋文学研究。
  • 基金资助:

The Style of Xin Qiji's 24 Ci poems to the Tune of Lin Jiang Xian and Its Significance for Studies of the Tunes of Ci Poems

Zhu Huiguo   

  1. the department of Chinese language and literature, East China Normal University (Shanghai 200241, China)
  • Online:2017-09-25 Published:2017-11-26
  • About author:Zhu Huiguo, Ph.D., professor in the department of Chinese language and literature, East China Normal University (Shanghai 200241, China), with research focus on the study of Ci, literature in Tang and Song dynasties.

摘要: 辛弃疾有《临江仙》词24首,是两宋间留存《临江仙》词调最多的词人,在《临江仙》词调的创作以及发展史上占有重要地位。辛弃疾留存的24首均选用双调60字基本体,格律处理十分严谨,平仄安排不仅符合《临江仙》的声律要求,甚至比《词律》和《钦定词谱》所总结的谱式更符合创作实际。辛弃疾24首《临江仙》的句式、韵位等主要由词调本身决定,但辛弃疾对词调、体式的选择以及对词调固有声情特点的遵循,使其词总体呈现出舒缓流畅的声情特点。24首词大部分作于辛弃疾退居江西时期,作者有较多时间观察农村的美景,体验家居的闲适乐趣,因此词的题材虽然比较广泛,情感层次也比较多样,但总体上呈现出和谐冲淡、舒缓雍容的特点,与《临江仙》60字体流丽谐婉、舒缓和畅的体式特征相一致,达到内容与形式的和谐。辛弃疾所用的《临江仙》60字体较为后出,由58字体变化而来,但由于增加了律句,使其更加和谐整饬,受到文人普遍欢迎。从留存的作品看,这一体式首见于滕宗谅,由苏轼初步成型,中间经叶梦得等人的创作实践,最后由辛弃疾确定其词调风貌和词谱定式,并通过大量创作而彰显其活力与影响。

关键词: 辛弃疾, 《临江仙》, 词调, 体式, 词谱学

Abstract: Xin Qiji wrote 24 Ci poems to the tune of Lin Jiang Xian. These Ci poems' conservation makes him own the largest quantity of Ci poems to the tune of Lin Jiang Xian in the northern and southern Song dynasties. Thus, he possesses a significant place in writing Ci poems to the tune of Lin Jiang Xian and its phylogeny. Xin Qiji's 24 Ci poems are all chosen the basic double tonal patterns and rhyme schemes of Ci poems with 60 characters, and its rhyme is strictly managed. Moreover, the arrangement of level and oblique tones in these Ci poems accords with the rhyme to the tunes of Lin Jiang Xian, which even more realistic than the style summarized in the book Ci Lü and Qin Ding Ci Pu. The sentence pattern and rhyme of Xin Qiji's 24 Ci poems to the tunes of Lin Jiang Xian are mainly depends on the tonal patterns and rhyme schemes of Ci poetry. Xin Qiji chose the tonal pattern and rhyme scheme, and followed the original expression in sound and emotions, making his Ci poems gentle and fluent. Xin Qiji's 24 Ci poems were mainly written during the period of his retirement in Jiangxi. He had much more time to watch the landscape of countryside and experience the leisure and comfortable household life. Thus these Ci poems have broad themes and various emotions, and they appear the harmonious, gentle and graceful characteristics overall. These characteristics accord with the style to the tune of Lin Jiang Xian, achieving the harmony of both content and form. The tune of Lin Jiang Xian used by Xin Qiji with 60 characters appeared later and arose out of the tune with 58 characters. While the tune with 60 characters added rhyme sentence, making it more harmonious, neat and popular among the literati. From the preserved Ci poems, we can find this style was firstly created by Teng Zongliang, then it was formed into pattern by Su Shi. After the creative practices of Ye Mengde and other Ci poets, finally, this style was confirmed by Xin Qiji with fixed features and style, meanwhile, with this style, Xin Qiji wrote a large number of Ci poems and proved the vitality and influence of this style. 

Key words: Xin Qiji, the Tunes of Lin Jiang Xian, Tonal Patterns and Rhyme Schemes of Ci poetry, Style, Study on the Tunes of Ci Poems