
文艺理论研究 ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (3): 178-189.

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 浙江工业大学人文学院
  • 出版日期:2016-05-25 发布日期:2017-09-29
  • 作者简介:万晴川,原名万润保,浙江工业大学人文学院博士、教授,主要从事中国古代小说戏曲研究。
  • 基金资助:

The Influence of Shangqing Taoist Sect's Meditation Method on the Pre-Song-Dynasty Fictions

Wan Qingchuan   

  1. the School of Humanities, Zhejiang Uniyersity of Technology (Hangzhou 310023, China)
  • Online:2016-05-25 Published:2017-09-29
  • About author:Wan Qingchuan, Ph.D., is a professor in the School of Humanities, Zhejiang Uniyersity of Technology (Hangzhou 310023, China), with main research interests in ancient Chinese fiction and theatre.

摘要: 存思是道教上清派重要的修炼方法,与文学想象极为类似,有着鲜明的图像思维特征,对宋前道教小说的创作产生了重要影响。有的仙传小说是作者对着神仙画卷,存思玄思而创作的;有的神仙降凡传道小说是修道者渴望明师降凡传道,真诚感格,久而久之产生的幻觉;有的道教传记小说是将传主内视冥想的神秘体验故事化;有的仙凡恋小说是道教存思修炼或在梦中达到神人交会的高妙之境;有的地理博物小说,则是修道者通过存思、冥想,眼前出现的一派神仙境界。道教小说中有对神仙外貌、服饰、随从的细致描绘,也是道经中对存思之神描写的程序,可能都以道教图像为依据。道教存思大大拓展了中国古代文学的想象空间,对以后的道教小说及其通俗小说的创作都有深远的影响。


Abstract: Shangqing Taoist Sect's meditation method of "thought-holding" was similar to literary imagination in that it was characterized by a pictorial thinking, and this method inserted deep influence on the Taoist fiction writing in the pre-Song Dynasty. Some authors writing about immortal beings sat in meditation in front of the portraiture and wrote their novels, and some authors wrote out of their mystic illusions resulted from long and intensive meditation, and some authors wrote out of supernatural inspirations. The descriptions about the geography, plants, the clothes and pageants of the immortals reflected the influence from the Taoist portraiture and the process of writing followed the process of Taoist meditation method. The paper concludes that Taoist meditative method greatly broadens the literary imagination in ancient Chinese literature and has profound influence on later Taoist fictions and popular novel writing.

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