
文艺理论研究 ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (3): 161-170.

• 现当代文论与批评 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 天津外国语大学欧洲语言文化学院
  • 出版日期:2016-05-25 发布日期:2017-09-29
  • 作者简介:巫春峰,文学博士,天津外国语大学欧洲语言文化学院法语系讲师,主要从事法国现当代诗歌与诗学的研究。

The Encounter Between François Cheng and Contemporary French Poetry

Wu Chunfeng   

  1. the Department of French, Tianjin Foreign Studies University
  • Online:2016-05-25 Published:2017-09-29
  • About author:Wu Chunfeng is a lecturer in the Department of French, Tianjin Foreign Studies University, with research interests in modern and contemporary French poetry.

摘要: 程抱一是四百年来第一位当选法兰西学院院士的华裔作家,他的作品极具多样性,既有小说又有诗歌,既有老庄的迁思妙得又有西方的逻辑推论。本文试图从共时性角度结合主题批评的方法来探索程抱一诗歌与法国当代诗人的碰撞,从而找出两种文化中共有的精神内涵。主要从世界的未知性、情感和主体、“两者之间”的写作艺术这三方面来循序渐进地梳理程抱一和这些诗人在诗学创作理念上的共性之处。这样既能对法国当代诗歌的演变有更深刻地了解又能揭示程抱一在当代诗人中独一无二的位置。


Abstract: François Cheng is the first person of Chinese origin elected to the French Academy. He has authored creative writings of poetry and fiction, with both Chinese Daoist philosophical wisdom and Western logical reasoning. This paperattempts to adopt a synchronic perspective and the thematic approach of criticism to explore how Cheng's poetry encounters contemporary French poetry so as to find out the common spirit behind the two cultures. The shared concept ofliterary writingbetween Cheng and the French poets is investigated from three aspects of the unknownness of the world, feeling and its subject, and the art of in-between writing so as to locate Cheng's poetry among contemporary poetry and outline the development of contemporary French poetry and locate Cheng among contemporary poets.

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