
文艺理论研究 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (3): 207-215.

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2024-05-25 发布日期:2024-07-16
  • 作者简介:王景,北京大学中文系在读博士生,主要从事魏晋南北朝隋唐五代诗歌研究。

A Probe into Xie Lingyun's Idea of Disposition-Compliance and Spirit-Disposition Connection in Poetry and His Creative Practice

Wang Jing   

  • Online:2024-05-25 Published:2024-07-16
  • About author:Wang Jing, is a Ph. D. candidate in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University. Her research interests include the poetry in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties, Sui, Tang, and Five dynasties.

摘要: “言志”与“会性通神”是谢灵运《山居赋》中有关诗赋创作的直接表述,“顺从性情”由山居隐逸之志延伸到文学层面,包含着顺性而作的创作观念,三者比较完整地展示了谢灵运的诗赋思想。谢灵运继承《诗》《骚》、汉魏诗人的比兴言志精神,同时提出具有现实内涵的性情论,性情抒发成为言志的重要内容,这种性情与言志相合的诗赋思想,既是对传统言志内涵的发展,也是其性情论的独特之处。作为一种新的创作思想,“会性通神”将晋宋之际具有本体意义的“神”引入文学批评,突破了东晋玄言诗人泯除主体精神的“凝神”观,注重主体感知与当下体验的传达,同时蕴含着谢灵运对言意问题的思考。“言志”“性情”与“会性通神”包含着谢灵运在诗赋本体论上的观点,体现出他对文论传统的继承与发展,这与他的诗赋创作互为表里,显示出自觉回归文学本质的倾向。

关键词: 言志, 性情, 神, 诗赋思想, 言意关系

Abstract: In his work “An Ode to Life in the Mountain (Shanju fu),” Xie Lingyun explicitly articulated key elements of his poetry thought, including “expressing will” and “conveying the spirit (shen) by complying with one's disposition (xingqing).” This extended the concept of complying with one's disposition beyond Xie Lingyun's reclusive tendencies and into the realm of literary creation, offering a comprehensive view of his poetry thought. Drawing from The Book of Songs, The Songs of Chu, and the poetry of the Han and Wei dynasties, Xie Lingyun inherited the spirit of employing comparison and affective image, developing his own emotional theory that integrated the meaning of reality. His idea of poetry merged emotion with the expression of will, not only refining modes of expression but also highlighting the distinctiveness of his concept of emotion. Introducing the concept of “spirit (shen)” as an ontological foundation from the Jin and Song dynasties into literary criticism, the notion of conveying the spirit, represented a breakthrough in the creative mode of metaphysical poetry in the Eastern Jin dynasty. Xie Lingyun underscored the importance of conveying subjective perception and sharing experiential wisdom in the present, revealing his reflections on the relation between meaning and language. In essence, Xie Lingyun's assertions encapsulated his ontological definition of literature, showcasing his adept blend of traditional literary criticism with an inclination toward returning to the essence of literature with his poetic creation.

Key words: expression of will, disposition, spirit, idea of poetry, the relationship between meaning and language