
文艺理论研究 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (3): 13-22.

• 专题:马克思主义文论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2024-05-25 发布日期:2024-07-16
  • 作者简介:吴维忆,哲学博士,南京大学艺术学院副教授,主要从事文艺理论及艺术史研究。
  • 基金资助:

Examining the Innovativeness of Contemporary AI Art from Marxist View of Technology and Art

Wu Weiyi   

  • Online:2024-05-25 Published:2024-07-16
  • About author:Wu Weiyi, Ph.D., is an associate professor in the School of Arts, Nanjing University. Her research interests include literary theory and art history.
  • Supported by:
    Major Project of National Social Sciences Fund (20&ZD050).

摘要: 目前针对人工智能艺术的美学和文艺理论研究主要关注原创性和主体性等议题,这一倾向所反映的工具论的技术观背离了艺术与科技融合的趋势。鉴于此,本文提出从马克思主义艺术生产理论的视角考察人工智能创作,通过辨析艺术生产理论谱系中的各种技术观念,梳理从机械复制到数字原创的技术脉络,进一步从社会组织、精神生产和“不平衡”问题三个方面,阐释人工智能艺术的内涵及潜能。据此,本文认为人文艺术学者应当着眼于艺术、技术、社会的辩证关系考察数字时代的精神生产实践,推进当代美学的生产转向,实现马克思主义艺术理论的当代创新。

关键词: 马克思, 人工智能艺术, 数字原创, 艺术生产

Abstract: Current aesthetic and literary theoretical research on AI art primarily focuses on issues such as originality and subjectivity, which reflects an instrumentalist view of technology that deviates from the trend toward the integration of art and technology. For this reason, this article examines AI creation from the perspective of Marxist art production theory. By identifying various technological concepts in the genealogy of art production theory and sorting out the technological lineage from mechanical reproduction to digital originality, this article further explains the connotation and potentiality of AI art from three aspects: social organization, spiritual production, and the problem of “imbalance”. Accordingly, it argues that scholars in humanities and art should examine the practice of spiritual production in the digital age through the dialectical relationship between art, technology, and society, in order to propel the production turn of contemporary aesthetics and realize the contemporary innovation of Marxist art theory.

Key words: Karl Marx, AI art, digital creation, art production