
文艺理论研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (5): 144-155.

• 现当代文论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 西南大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2020-09-25 发布日期:2020-09-27
  • 作者简介:王小惠,文学博士,西南大学文学院副教授,主要从事章太炎与“五四”新文化运动关系研究。
  • 基金资助:

Zhang Taiyan's View of Literary Language and Qian Xuantong's "May Fourth" Literary Revolution

Wang Xiaohui   

  1. School of Language and Literature, Southwestern University
  • Online:2020-09-25 Published:2020-09-27
  • About author:Wang Xiaohui, Ph. D., is an associate professor at the School of Language and Literature, Southwestern University. Her research interest is the relationship between Zhang Taiyan and the May Fourth literary revolution.
  • Supported by:

    the Youth Project of Humanities and Social Sciences Foundation of Ministry of Education (19YJC751046)

摘要: 钱玄同加入“五四”文学革命阵营之时,借用、转化章太炎的文学语言资源。他一方面从雅俗、骈散、文质层面建构“不用典”论,提倡以今语为雅,反对骈偶与“尚文”之风,并将具体的攻击对象落在“选学妖孽,桐城谬种”上;另一方面为白话的“言文一致”与“用字过繁”找到相应的学理依据,并以“用字之误”来抓住痛处的朴学论争方式,回应了当时关于五四白话文的质疑。钱玄同对章太炎文学语言资源的引入,为五四文学革命提供了切实的着力点与历史凭依。但章太炎的文学语言观是以小学为核心,视文言为主体,而钱玄同则尊白话为文学之正宗,并从进化论的角度出发,主张废除文言,强调白话文的绝对正确性与独立性,故而,二人的文学语言观存有明显的区别。

关键词: 五四文学革命, 白话, 用典, 言文一致, 小学


Qian Xuantong borrowed and transformed Zhang Taiyan's resources of literary language when he joined the camp of the May Fourth literary revolution. On the one hand, he was against the use of allusion, advocated modern language, and opposed rhythmical proses featured parallelism and flowery language, targeting specifically at "evil of the study of Anthology and fallacy of Tongcheng School prose". On the other hand, he established the theoretical bases for the "unity of spoken and written languages" and "verbosity" in vernacular Chinese, using the methodology of "misuse of words" to respond to contemporary queries about May Fourth vernacular Chinese. Qian Xuantong's introduction of Zhang Taiyan's resources of literary language provided concrete orientation and historical support for the May Fourth literary revolution. With regard to difference of their views of literary language, while the core and main body of Zhang Taiyan's view of literary language were philology and classical Chinese, Qian Xuantong considered vernacular as the orthodoxy of literature. Moreover, Qian advocated the abolition of classical Chinese from the perspective of evolution, and emphasized the absolute correctness and independence of vernacular Chinese.

Key words: The May Fourth literary revolution, vernacular, using allusion, unity of spoken and written languages, philology