
文艺理论研究 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (3): 216-226.

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    



  • 出版日期:2024-05-25 发布日期:2024-07-16
  • 作者简介:杜玄图,文学博士,内江师范学院文学院教授,主要从事音韵学与文献学研究。
  • 基金资助:

The Perspective of Stylistic Discrimination and the Strategy of Adherence to Style in Ming and Qing Dynasty Ci Rhyme Studies

Du Xuantu   

  • Online:2024-05-25 Published:2024-07-16
  • About author:Du Xuantu, Ph.D., is a professor at the School of Chinese Language and Literature, Neijiang Normal University. His research interests include phonology and philology.
  • Supported by:
    Youth Project of National Social Sciences Fund (20CZW023).

摘要: 明清时期的词韵辨体视野不一,具体表现为:明中期至清中期所选择的辨异对象或为近体诗,或为曲,或为乐府古诗,各家常以破体关联另一体之法来强化辨异,呈现出辨破结合的特点;清中后期逐渐回归词体,转向词体内部探求韵法,辨而不破。不同的辨体视野,源于诸家不同的尊体策略。明清词韵学之尊体策略经历了“曲化合乐—格律稽古—寻源释韵—回归词体”的演进,辨体视野相应地经历了“关联曲以与诗辨—关联诗以与曲辨—与古乐府之通与辨—辨而不破”的演变。不同层面、不同途径的音律观照,是造成明清词韵学辨体视野不一、尊体策略各异的内在原因。

关键词: 明清词韵学, 辨体, 尊体, 演变, 音律

Abstract: There were different perspectives of stylistic discrimination in the study of ci rhyme in the Ming and Qing dynasties. From the mid-Ming to the mid-Qing, the objects of differentiation included metrical poetry, qu-poetry or yuefu poetry. Scholars often employed techniques of breaking styles and linking them to other forms, showcasing a blend of differentiation and integration. From the mid- to the late Qing dynasty, the trend gradually returned to the style of ci-poetry, emphasizing the internal exploration of rhyme schemes, and aimed to distinguish styles without disrupting them. These varied perspectives were driven by differing strategies of adherence to style. The evolution of these strategies in Ming and Qing ci rhyme studies can be traced through four phases: “adapting qu to fit musical patterns,” “conducting textual research on rhyme rules,” “tracing origins and interpreting rhymes,” and “returning to ci style.” Correspondingly, the approach to stylistic discrimination evolved through stages of “linking qu to differentiate from poetry,” “linking poetry to differentiate from qu,” “integrating and differentiating yuefu poetry,” and ultimately “discriminating without disruption.” The exploration of the musical attribute of ci rhyme at different levels and in different ways was the intrinsic cause of the different perspectives and strategies in Ming and Qing ci rhyme studies.

Key words: Ming and Qing ci rhyme studies, stylistic discrimination, adherence to style, evolution, musical attributes