
文艺理论研究 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (3): 109-120.

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钟华, 李楠   

  • 出版日期:2024-05-25 发布日期:2024-07-16
  • 作者简介:钟华,文学博士,四川师范大学文学院教授,主要从事文艺理论研究。李楠,四川师范大学文学院在读博士生,主要从事西方文艺理论研究。

How to Reasonably Reconstruct the Fictional World in the Text?—Research on the Possible Worlds Literary Theory

Zhong Hua, Li Nan   

  • Online:2024-05-25 Published:2024-07-16
  • About author:Zhong Hua, Ph.D., is a professor and doctoral advisor in the College of Chinese Language and Literature, Sichuan Normal University. His research interests include theoretical studies in literature and art. Li Nan is a Ph. D. candidate in the College of Chinese Language and Literature, Sichuan Normal University. Her research interests include Western theoretical studies in literature and art.

摘要: 如何合理重构虚构文本中的虚构世界呢?在可能世界文学理论产生之前,这个问题并未得到足够清晰而圆融的解答。可能世界文学理论认为:首先,虚构世界拥有其独立的本体地位和一定的独立自主性,这种观念保障了读者可以借助符号通道和文本信息处理的方式更为合理地重构其中的虚构世界;其次,读者遵循两种“内涵函数”的规则来重构文本中的虚构世界,其中“认证函数”确定该虚构世界中存在哪些“虚构事实”,“饱和函数”确定它们在虚构世界中的分布及密度;最后,读者还应遵循“再中心化”理论和“最小偏离原则”来填补文本虚构世界中的空白,进一步完善和丰富这个虚构世界。可能世界文学理论在解答读者如何合理重构文本中的虚构世界方面,提供了一个新颖有效的具体方案,但也存在某些尚需进一步斟酌的问题,值得学界关注和探讨。

关键词: 可能世界理论, 读者, 虚构世界, 内涵函数

Abstract: How does one reconstruct the fictional world in the text reasonably? Before the emergence of the possible worlds literary theory, this issue was not clearly or sufficiently elaborated. The possible worlds literary theory holds the following ideas. Firstly, the idea that the fictional world enjoys independent ontological status, as well as certain independence and autonomy, allows readers to reconstruct the fictional world more reasonably by means of symbols and textual information. Secondly, readers follow two “intentional functions” to reconstruct the fictional world, with the authentication function determining the facts in the fictional world and the saturation function determining the density of these facts in the fictional world. Finally, readers also follow the theory of “recentering” and “the principle of minimal departure” to fill in the gaps in the fictional world as well as further improve and enrich such a world. The possible worlds literary theory provides a novel and effective scheme to elaborate on the ways in which readers reconstruct the fictional world, but there are still some issues that need to be further addressed in academic discussions.

Key words: the possible worlds literary theory, readers, the fictional world, intentional function