
文艺理论研究 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (3): 101-108.

• 文论互鉴 • 上一篇    下一篇


曹顺庆, 郭霄旸   

  • 出版日期:2024-05-25 发布日期:2024-07-16
  • 作者简介:曹顺庆,文学博士,四川大学杰出教授,欧洲科学与艺术院院士,主要从事比较文学与东方文论研究。郭霄旸,四川大学文学与新闻学院在读硕士生。

From Rewriting Civilizational History to Rewriting Literary History

Cao Shunqing, Guo Xiaoyang   

  • Online:2024-05-25 Published:2024-07-16
  • About author:Cao Shunqing, Ph.D., is a Distinguished Professor at Sichuan University and a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. His areas of academic specialty include comparative literature and Eastern literary theory. Guo Xiaoyang is a postgraduate student majoring in Comparative Literature and World Literature at Sichuan University.

摘要: 在当今国际格局下,如何建立中国话语与自主知识体系是学界面临的一大难题。长久以来,文明话语中都存在西方中心主义的倾向,文明观输出的话语权长期掌握在西方学者手中,文明史对中国的叙述常常存在歪曲、偏离史实的问题。西方话语霸权具体体现在各学科内部,使许多人文社会学科都面临“失语”的窘境。针对这一现象,提出“重写文明史”与“重写文学史”的号召。从文明交流与互鉴的史实出发,尊重文明多元化与异质性,以实事求是的态度重写文明史,重塑文明观,进而重写学科史,重写文学史。通过反思学科话语问题,发掘传统文化中独特的话语言说方式,重新建构学科话语。用中国话语发出中国声音,共同建设文明新话语是重写文明史、重写学科史的要旨所在。

关键词: 文明史, 学科史, 文学史, 话语霸权, 中国话语

Abstract: In today's international context, how to establish a Chinese discourse and an autonomous knowledge system is a major challenge facing the academic community. Historically, discourses on civilization have been marred by a prevailing Western-centric bias, with Western scholars largely monopolizing the authority over narratives of civilizational progress. Such narratives frequently misrepresent or deviate from the historical realities of China. The hegemony of Western discourse permeates various disciplines, leading to a phenomenon of “aphasia” within the humanities and social sciences. In response to this phenomenon, a call was made to “rewrite the history of civilization” and “rewrite the history of disciplines.” This approach begins with the factual history of civilizational exchanges and mutual enlightenment, advocating for a respect for the diversity and heterogeneity of civilizations. It involves rewriting the history of civilization with an adherence to factual accuracy, reshaping our understanding of civilizations, and consequently, revising the history of academic disciplines and literature. By critically reflecting on disciplinary discourses and unearthing unique modes of expression within traditional cultures, the aim is to reconstruct academic discourse. Embracing Chinese discourse to amplify Chinese perspectives and collaboratively forge a new civilizational discourse underscores the essence of rewriting civilizational and disciplinary histories.

Key words: history of civilization, history of disciplines, history of literature, hegemony of discourse, Chinese discourse