

• “五四文学百年纪念”专题 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 河南大学
  • 出版日期:2019-05-25 发布日期:2019-06-28
  • 作者简介:张先飞,文学博士,河南大学教授,主要从事中国现当代文学思潮、五四文学研究。
  • 基金资助:

The Extremely Sensitive Believer of "Love In the Human World": the Discovery and Shaping of Zhu Ziqing's "Sensibility of the Human World" During the Period of "Literature for Men"

Zhang Xianfei   

  1. He'nan University
  • Online:2019-05-25 Published:2019-06-28
  • About author:Zhang Xianfei, Doctor of Literature, is a professor in He'nan University. His main research area is the study of ideological trend of modern and contemporary Chinese literature, and May Fourth Literature.
  • Supported by:
    This paper is a stageachievement of the project of National Social Science Fund (17BZW019), the Major Project of National Social Science Fund(18ZDA201), the Innovation Team Project of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Henan University (2019CXTD015).

摘要: 现代中国体验的全新探索与塑型,始自服务于五四现代人道主义社会改造思潮运动的“初期新文学”。作为“初期新文学”“人的文学”时期的代表作家,笃信现代人道主义的朱自清迈出学园后,初次面对真实社会,使他生发出各种真切、具体的独特人生体验与感受:不仅有对人类兄弟之爱的真情流露、对自我生命存在的敏锐体察,最突出的还有五四“新人”遭遇漠视理想“人间爱”的现实时的悲哀、无奈、激愤。朱自清在体验和表现面对实际人生的新感受时,显现出超乎常人的敏感与异常激烈的情感反应,其“可惊的感受性”的精神特质与创作风格使他成为“人的文学”时期最具有普遍代表性的作家。

关键词: 朱自清, 初期新文学, 人的文学, “人间爱”, “人间”感受

Abstract: A new wave of exploration and shaping of modern Chinese experience starts with the "Preliminary New Literature" which serves the ideological transformation of modern humanistic society reconstruction during the May Fourth period. As a representative writer during the period of "Preliminary New Literature" (or "Literature for Men"), Zhu Ziqing, with a strong belief in modern humanitarianism, begins to express his genuine and unique life experience and feelings. His sentiments include not only sincere brotherly love but also the keen insight into individual's existence as a living being, and most remarkably, the "New People's" sadness, helplessness and indignation over the disregard of the ideal of "Love in the Human World" during the May Fourth period. Zhu Ziqing's extraordinary sensitivity and extremely intense emotional reaction shown in expressing his life experience, with his characteristic "astonishing susceptibility" in the spirit and style of writing make him the most representative among writers in the period of "literature for men."

Key words: Zhu Ziqing, Preliminary New Literature, "love in the human world", Sensibility of the human world, literature for men