

• “戏曲现代戏研究”专题 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 上海师范大学人文学院与影视传媒学院
  • 出版日期:2019-05-25 发布日期:2019-06-28
  • 作者简介:朱恒夫,文学博士,上海师范大学人文学院与影视传媒学院教授,主要从事戏曲史、戏曲理论及中国古代文学研究。

The Creation and Performance of Traditional Chinese Theatre with Modern Themes: Significance, Problems, and Developmental Trajectory

Zhu Hengfu   

  1. the School of Humanities and Communications, Shanghai Normal University
  • Online:2019-05-25 Published:2019-06-28
  • About author:Zhu Hengfu, Ph. D., is a professor in the School of Humanities and Communications, Shanghai Normal University. His areas of academic specialty include the history and theory of traditional Chinese theatre, and ancient Chinese literature.

摘要: 戏曲现代戏是应新的时代的审美变化而产生的,同时也是戏曲艺术发展规律所致。就文艺接受的普遍性规律而言,“现当代”的故事对人们的吸引力更大。提升戏曲现代戏编演质量的方法主要有三个:一是不要将“主旋律”题材故意狭隘化,只要是催人向上、宣扬中华民族优秀美德和颂扬爱国主义精神的剧目都应看作是主旋律作品。现代戏的“现代化”,其实质就是要表现时代生活,反映时代精神,抒发当代人民群众的思想感情,切合时代的美学趣味,而具有特定含义的“现代性”并不是衡量现代戏质量高低的标准。二是宾白语言须诗歌化,表演动作与神情须身段化,唱腔须有时代性和综合性,要用强化演唱节奏的方式,来解决传统的表演艺术形式与现代生活之间的矛盾。三是必须在国家的层面上进行现代戏实验。从剧本创作、音乐制谱、表演身段、舞台美术等,进行全面而深入的探索,只求质量,不求速度,每年产出三五个剧目即可,在真正得到广大观众的高度肯定后,再将其成功的经验向全国推广。

关键词: 戏曲现代戏, 历史, 现状, 问题, 发展路径

Abstract: Traditional Chinese theatre with modern themes stems not only from the aesthetic change of the new era but also from the development of Chinese theatre arts, given that modern themes may be more popularly accepted. This paper proposes three suggestions to improve the creation and performance of traditional Chinese theatre with modern themes: to broaden the concept of the mainstream work to cover any scripts that reflect contemporary patriotism and traditional value of Chinese nation with modern aesthetic pursuits; to modernize the theatre expression with poetic lines and lyrics, visualized stage performance through body and expressions, and contemporary style of music and singing, and to conduct nationwide experiments in such dimensions from script writing, to music composition, performance training to stage design. The paper also suggests the promotion of successful examples as a way to modernize and develop the traditional theatre in the current context.

Key words: modernized traditional Chinese theatre, history, current status, problems, developmental trajectory