
文艺理论研究 ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (3): 23-33.

• 会议专题:“文艺学学科反思的回顾与前瞻” • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南开大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2016-05-25 发布日期:2017-09-29
  • 作者简介:刘俐俐,女,南开大学文学院,文艺学专业博士生导师,研究方向为文学批评理论,近年研究集中于叙事性文学作品批评理论与实践工作。
  • 基金资助:

The Principles and Significance of a Research Paradigm for Deep Integration and Transformation in Liberal Arts and Humanities Studies

Liu Lili   

  1. the School of Literature, Nankai University (Tianjin 300071, China)
  • Online:2016-05-25 Published:2017-09-29
  • About author:Liu Lili is a professor in the School of Literature, Nankai University (Tianjin 300071, China), with main research interests in literary theory and criticism.

摘要: 本文提出人文科学内部深度问题汇合转换的研究范式。本文以文学经典、故事、方法论三个范畴及其问题的深度汇合转换为个案,描述了文学经典范畴中如何阅读叙事文学经典的问题,此问题汇合到故事范畴,与故事范畴的两种故事涵义,以及接受者心理构筑的故事既依赖又超越特定文体和媒介的问题相汇合,转换为心理世界构筑故事的叙事文学经典阅读机制问题,此问题汇合到批评方法论范畴,应该融入读者阅读规律的叙述文学批评方法理论建设任务就提了出来。该任务凝聚了三个范畴各自历时共时经验的全部丰富性和复杂性。通过该个案描述、分析与概括,论文得出如下观点:深度问题汇合并转换为新的问题,是科学研究深化并获得发现的最好路径。其原理是:人文科学内部某领域或者范畴,需要不断提出新问题。新问题的发现与提出有其内在机制,敏锐发现和尊重其内在机制与研究者主观准备及选择的相互激荡,乃为研究范畴深度问题汇合并转换为新问题的理路和逻辑。该研究范式的意义:搭建了全新、具体,可施展问题的平台,籍此平台可发现并提出以往未被发现的问题;用以汇合的范畴,既可看到原初的功能特质,也可看到共时态的功能特质,由此获得通向价值判断和评价的逻辑通道,这与人文科学研究的性质相吻合。

关键词: 人文科学, 深度问题, 汇合转换, 研究范式, 文学经典, 故事, 方法论

Abstract: The paper proposes a research paradigm for the deep integration and transformation in the liberal arts and humanities. It takes as its cases the three categories of literary canons, story and methodology and their deep integration and transition. Through case studies, the paper concludes that the new issue emerged from the deep integration and transformation presents a better approach to deepen the research because a new issue raised for any category in the liberal arts and humanities implies an internal mechanism which requires for deep integration and transformation of issues so as to find a new approach and logic to the resulting issue. The significance of the research paradigm lies in its construction of a new and operational platform by which new problems can be revealed, and the category integrated shows both the original and the synchronic functional features.

Key words: the liberal arts and humanities, deep issues, integration and transformation, research paradigm, literary canons, story, methodology