1980 年代中期,“文艺民俗学”以关注文艺学与民俗学的交叉研究跻身为文艺研究新方法理论之一。近三十年“文艺民俗学”理论阐释和研究实践表现为两种学术取向与研究路径:一种为侧重发挥民俗学方法理论在文学文本研究中的工具性,分析作品风格、勾稽民俗史料等;一种则是以“人的文化存在”“文学即人学”等为理论支点,关注从文学发生学角度挖掘其内部民俗学机制的存在进行深层关系研究。文章以此为考察对象,侧重阐释第二种文艺民俗学理论生成动因,对其交叉研究的路径、成果以及不足进行系统析评。
Since the mid-1980s, literary folkloristics has become one of the new methods in literary study for its focus on the interdisciplinary study of literature and folklore. The theoretical interpretation and research practice have since taken two different academic orientation and theoretical approach. One emphasizes on the instrumentality of folklore theory in study of literary text, analysing the styles in literary works and exploring the folklore materials in them. The other has its theoretical foundations from the concepts such as "the cultural existence of man" and "literary study as the study of man," and it is more concerned with the understanding of the deep relationships within the internal mechanism of folklore from the perspective of literary gestation. the genealogical perspective, and the problems of the possible methods of literary study and so on. This paper takes these two approaches as its objects of examination, emphasizing on the interpretation of the generative agency behind the latter approach of literary folkloristics and the methods, outcomes and limitations of this approach.
文艺民俗学 /
交叉研究 /
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Key words
literary folkloristics /
interdisciplinary study /
academic reflection
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