

• “阅读理论研究”专题 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 斯坦佛大学
  • 出版日期:2019-05-25 发布日期:2019-06-28
  • 作者简介:玛乔瑞·帕洛夫,斯坦佛大学 Sadie Dernham Patek 人文讲座教授,在20世纪与21世纪诗歌与诗学领域发表诸多著作。


Marjorie Perloff   

  1. Stanford University
  • Online:2019-05-25 Published:2019-06-28
  • About author:Marjorie Perloff is the Sadie Dernham Patek Professor Emerita of Humanities at Stanford University. She is the author of many books on 20th and 21st Century poetry and poetics.

摘要: 作为对李圭“反阅读”理论的回应,本文提出一种“微诗学”理论:这种诗学充分考虑诗歌文本的每一个音素、词素,采用乔伊斯所谓的“言-声-视”阅读方法。该做法取法马塞尔·杜尚的“次厚度”(infrathin)概念——即可能的最小的区分,无论是时空上的,还是A和B之间的。本文认为,类同和类比已被过度强调了,又因其陈词滥调和乏味的泛泛而谈,在当下的政治话语中制造了种种问题性的表达。另一方面,次厚度阅读能为给定的文本确定差异性和独特性,为论述这一点,本文以格特鲁德·斯泰因的《毛小姐与皮女士》为例,说明其中表面上的重复表达实际上是一种精心设计的文字游戏。

关键词: 微诗学, 次厚度, 重复, 差异性, 杜尚, 斯泰因, 代·坎波斯, 波德莱尔, 反阅读, 陈词滥调

Abstract: This essay, following upon Kyoo Lee's case for "counterreading", argues for what I call "micropoetics": a close reading that takes into account every phoneme, morpheme, and word of a poetic text and reads that text "verbivocovisually", to use James Joyce's term. I take as my model Marcel Duchamp's concept of the infrathin — the smallest possible distinction, whether temporal or spatial, between A and B. Similarity and analogy, I argue, have been overstressed and produced the problematic political discourse of the present with its clichés and vapid generalizations. Infrathin reading, on the other hand, establishes difference and the uniqueness of a given text, as I show in the case of Gertrude Stein's "Miss Furr and Miss Skeene", where the seeming repetition of phrasing is actually a form of elaborate word play.

Key words: micropoetics, Infrathin, repetition, difference, Duchamp, Stein, De Campos, Baudelaire, counterreading, cliché