

• “五四文学百年纪念”专题 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 四川大学文学与新闻学院
  • 出版日期:2019-05-25 发布日期:2019-06-28
  • 作者简介:徐新建,文学博士,四川大学文学与新闻学院教授,主要从事文学人类学、比较文学与多民族文学与文化研究。
  • 基金资助:

Terminological Transformation of “Literature”: Establishing a New Literature in Modern China

Xu Xinjian   

  1. the School of Literature and Journalism at Sichuan University
  • Online:2019-05-25 Published:2019-06-28
  • About author:Ph. D., is a professor in the School of Literature and Journalism at Sichuan University. His areas of academic specialty are literary anthropology, comparative literature, and the study of multi-ethnic literature and culture.
  • Supported by:
    the Major Project of National Social Science Fund (11&ZDI04), and the Major Project of Ministry of Elucation's Research Centers for Humanities and Social Sciences ( 17JD730002).

摘要: 晚清民初以来,在“西学东渐”及本土变革的推动下,文学被逐渐视为唤起人心、改造国民乃至塑建国家的利器。形形色色的改良派、革命家、“新文化运动”发起人等均投身其中,呼唤文学,从事文学,重建文学。一时间,“文学”成了汉语社会频繁使用的重要概念和术语,与之相关的各种实践也四方呼应,遍及朝野。作为西学东渐的观念产物,“文学”一词应运而生,并对此后的文学创建起到重要的转型和奠定作用。 在一百多年的演变历程中,汉语的“文学”已由“关键词”变成了“结构词”,从而为西风东渐交汇下汉语表述体系的结构转型发挥新的分类作用。践行者们一边把小说、诗歌、戏剧等不同的载物投放到文学词筐之中,同时也在对词筐进行各取所需的伸缩调整,组合出“古代文学”“当代文学”“汉族文学”“少数民族文学”“世界文学”以及“民间文学”“口头文学”等各种各样的新概念及至一次接一次的新变革。

关键词: 文学, 词变, 现代中国, 新文学建设

Abstract: Since the transitional period between the Qing dynasty and the Republic of China, literature has been regarded as an efficient instrument to arouse public awareness, to revitalize citizens, and to remold the country in the context of "Western learning spreading to the East." Back then, various reformists and revolutionaries, as well as pioneers of the New Culture Movement, devoted themselves to the enterprise of literature. As a result, literature became a key concept frequently appearing in the Chinese society, followed by a massive occurrence of literary practice throughout the country. As a conceptual product of "Western learning spreading to the East," the term wenxue, which means literature in Chinese, was coined in response to the zeitgeist and was highly significant to the establishment of Chinese literature afterwards.
For over one hundred years, the term wenxue has evolved from a "key word" to a "structural word" and played a categorical role in the structural transformation of the Chinese communicative system. The practitioners of Chinese New Literature, on the one hand, incorporated different genres such as fiction, poetry, and drama into the denotation of literature; on the other hand, they created new concepts, such as "ancient literature," "contemporary literature," "Han literature," "literature of minority ethnic groups," "world literature," "folk literature," and "oral literature," according to the basic meaning of literature. These new concepts constituted the foundation on which further literary reforms came to fruition.

Key words: literature, terminological transformation, modern China, the construction of New Literature