
文艺理论研究 ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 196-205.

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  1. 首都师范大学文化研究院
  • 出版日期:2017-09-25 发布日期:2017-11-26
  • 作者简介:陈国战,首都师范大学文化研究院副研究员,主要从事文化研究。
  • 基金资助:

The Returning Dream-seeking Trip: the Narrative of America in Chinese Popular Culture since the 1990s

Chen Guozhan   

  1. the Institute of Cultural Studies, Capital Normal University (Beijing 100089, China)
  • Online:2017-09-25 Published:2017-11-26
  • About author:Chen Guozhan is an associate professor in the Institute of Cultural Studies, Capital Normal University (Beijing 100089, China), with main research interests in cultural studies.

摘要: 1990年代以来中国大众文化中的美国叙事,有一条明显的变化轨迹——主人公从1990年代初期奋不顾身地到美国去寻梦,到2008年以来集体性地掉头转向,这种寻梦之旅上的折返跑,已经成为一种重要的叙事模式。透过这一叙事模式,可以清晰地看到当代中国大众文化中美国形象的变迁。从追求美国梦,到返回国内实现中国梦,这一叙事模式借由主人公在寻梦之旅上的折返跑,讲述的其实是中国已经今非昔比的故事,是中国梦战胜美国梦的故事。然而,在这一过程中,它也暴露出一些问题,比如,它的很多判断都带有西方主义偏见;它常常借助“厌女症”的情节设置,来确立中国男性主体的自信;它没能提供一个具有典范意义的关于如何实现中国梦的故事,等等。

关键词: 大众文化, 美国梦, 西方主义, 美国形象

Abstract: This paper finds an obvious change in Chinese popular culture through analyzing the stories of going abroad since the 1990s: the leading character spares no effort to seek American Dream during the early 1990s, but turns back since 2008. It has become a significant narrative mode, and clearly demonstrated the changes of the image of America. From seeking American Dream to realizing Chinese Dream, it narrates a changed China via leading character's return; and it is also a story about how Chinese Dream replaces American Dream. However, such a narrative mode reveals some problems: many of its judgments are accompanied with Occidentalist prejudice; it establishes Chinese masculine confidence by using the 'misogyny' motif; it fails to provide an exemplary story regarding how to achieve the Chinese Dream.

Key words: popular culture, American Dream, Occidentalism, the image of America