
文艺理论研究 ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (5): 195-200.

• 美学与文化研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 集美大学
  • 出版日期:2016-09-25 发布日期:2017-09-30
  • 作者简介:许玉军,集美大学教师,厦门大学人文学院博士研究生,主要从事文艺理论和跨文化研究。

The Shaking Continent: A Metageographical Critique of Eurocentrism

Xu Yujun   

  1. Jimei University (Xiamen 361021, China)
  • Online:2016-09-25 Published:2017-09-30
  • About author:Xu Yujun is a teacher in Jimei University (Xiamen 361021, China), and a Ph.D. candidate of the School of Humanities, Xiamen University (Xiamen 361005, China). His main research interest is literary and art theories as well as trans-cultural studies.

摘要: 欧洲中心主义观念既是一套价值理念,又是一种时空意识。融入时空观念中的价值等级观念具有隐蔽性。隐藏在欧洲中心主义中的现代空间观念秩序和地理学知识因其具有的“客观”和“中立”特性,通常被后殖民批判所忽略。元地理学批判所要揭示的正是被传统后殖民批判所忽略的、建构其他观念赖以依存的地理学知识建构的客观性。本文从大陆的划分、东西方的划界及其依据的标准进行分析,发现这些元地理学知识都具有主观性和随意性,往往是文化和地缘政治利益的隐喻。解构欧洲中心主义空间秩序观念的元地理学批判,并不意味着寻求一种对立的替代方案,更重要的是启发一种“间性”思维方式。

关键词: 后殖民主义, 欧洲中心主义, 元地理学批判

Abstract: Eurocentrism refers to both a system of values and a space-time mindset. Modern space-time ideology and geographical knowledge are characterized by objectivity and neutrality, which is usually ignored by postcolonial criticism. However, the divisions of continents and the boundary between the west and the east tend to betray subjectiveness and randomness, which sheds light on the interests of culture and geopolitics. The deconstruction of Eurocentrism does not necessarily imply a replacement, but an alternative mindset.

Key words: post-colonialism, Eurocentrism, metageogrpahy