
文艺理论研究 ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (5): 186-194.

• 美学与文化研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 天津外国语大学
  • 出版日期:2016-09-25 发布日期:2017-09-30
  • 作者简介:潘道正,哲学博士,天津外国语大学比较文学研究所、国际传媒学院教授,主要研究方向西方美学、世界文学。 李进超,哲学博士,天津市社会科学院文学所副研究员,主要研究方向西方美学、女性主义理论。

On Kant's "Problem of Ugliness"

Pan Daozheng, Li Jinchao   

  1. Tianjin Foreign Studies University (Tianjin, China)
  • Online:2016-09-25 Published:2017-09-30
  • About author:Daozheng Pan is a Ph.D., professor of Tianjin Foreign Studies University (Tianjin, China), his research interests cover western aesthetics and world literature. Jinchao Li is a Ph.D., associate professor of Institute of Literature, Tianjin Academy of Social Science(Tianjin 300204, China), her research interests cover western aesthetics and feminism.

摘要: 康德《判断力批判》第一部分(“美的分析”)开始就指出,跟表象结合着的可以是愉快,也可以是不愉快,但随后却只论述了涉及愉快的感性判断,跟不愉快相关的感性判断则付之阙如,而且《判断力批判》中涉及到丑只用了一小段文字。《判断力批判》中为什么没有“丑的分析”?康德能否做出“纯粹丑的判断”?诸如此类康德的“丑的问题”从上世纪末开始引起了广泛关注。我们认为,回答这个问题的关键在于深入区分“丑的判断”与“审丑的判断”。按照康德的美学理论,的确不可能做出“纯粹丑的判断”,但确可以做出“审丑的判断”。另一方面,在《判断力批判》中,“审丑的判断”同“崇高的判断”具有一致性,因此在有了“崇高的分析”之后,“丑的分析”就失去了必要性。

关键词: 康德, 审丑, 崇高

Abstract: First Book of Kant's Critique of the Power of the Judgment ("Analytic of the Beautiful")opens with an argument that feeling combined with representation can be pleasure or displeasure, then with a discussion of the aesthetic judgment of pleasure, but it says nothing about the aesthetic judgment of displeasure. Furthermore, there is only a short paragraph dealing with ugliness in Critique of the Power of the Judgment. Why is there no"Analytic of the Ugliness"? Can Kant make a pure aesthetic judgment of ugliness? Questions like this have been attracting academic attention from the end of the 20th century. In our opinion, it is very important to distinguish th "‘judgment of appreciation of ugliness" from the "judgment of ugliness". According to Kant's aesthetics, it is impossible to make a "judgment of pure ugliness", but possible to make a "judgment of the appreciation of ugliness". On the other hand, the "judgment of the appreciation of ugliness" is identical with the "judgment of the Sublime" in Critique of the Power of the Judgment, so it's unnecessary for "Analytic of Ugliness" to re-do it since there is already "Analytic of the Sublime".

Key words: Kant, appreciation of ugliness, the sublime