
文艺理论研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (1): 175-182.

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 暨南大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2013-01-25 发布日期:2013-02-20
  • 作者简介:程国赋,博士,暨南大学文学院教授、副院长、博士生导师,广东省高校“珠江学者”特聘教授,主要从事中国古代小说、戏曲研究。 何亮,博士,暨南大学文学院博士后,主要从事古代小说研究。
  • 基金资助:


The Narrative Function and Stylistic Significance of the Official Papers in the Tang-Dynasty Fictions

Cheng Guofu, He Liang   

  1. Chinese Department, Ji'nan University
  • Online:2013-01-25 Published:2013-02-20
  • About author:Cheng Guofu, Ph.D., is a professor at Chinese Department, Ji'nan University, (Guangzhou), with academic expertise in the ancient Chinese fictions and drama. He Liang is a post doctorate fellow in Chinese Department, Ji'nan University, with research interest in ancient Chinese fictions.

摘要: 公牍文是唐代小说“文备众体”之中重要的一“体”。因公牍文使用场合、对象具有特殊性,所以唐代小说中的公牍文有上、下之分:上行公文主要用于神仙、道士、臣民上书帝王或皇帝、冥王上书天帝;下行公文主要用于天帝、皇帝向臣民颁布诏令。公牍文融入唐代小说,不仅承担着聚焦主题与升华主题、刻画人物性格、心理、暗示故事结局等重要的叙述功能,而且还充当了唐代小说文体的基本“骨架”,与融入其中的史传、诗歌、论说文等相互组合,建构了唐代小说独特的文体形态。

关键词: 公牍文, 唐代小说, 叙事功能, 文体意义

Abstract: Tang-Dynasty fictions comprise of writings in different styles and of different genres, and official papers take up a considerable part. Official papers have prescribed function and specific purpose, and they can be divided into two categories. One category includes the official papers that go to the upper levels, which may be used in both the officialdom and the religious circle. The other category includes the official papers that are sent to the lower levels in the officialdom. Official papers in the Tang fictions function in two aspects. On the one hand, they perform the narrative functions in terms of theme intensification, characterization, and plot-development. On the other hand, the official papers function as the framework that provides the structure for historical biographical materials, verse, and expository writing and contributes to the stylistc and generic and stylistic uniqueness of Tang-Dynasty fictions.

Key words: official papers, Tang-Dynasty fiction, narrative functions, stylistic significance