
文艺理论研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (1): 130-137.

• 西方文论与美学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 同济大学人文学院
  • 出版日期:2013-01-25 发布日期:2013-02-20
  • 作者简介:王鸿生,同济大学人文学院教授,主要从事批评理论和当代中国文学研究。
  • 基金资助:


The Meta-Ethical Traits: Nothingness, Différance and Spectrology

Wang Hongsheng   

  1. The School of Liberal Arts, Tongji University (Shanghai 200092, China)
  • Online:2013-01-25 Published:2013-02-20
  • About author:Wang Hongsheng is a professor in The School of Liberal Arts, Tongji University (Shanghai 200092, China) with research interests in literary theory and contemporary Chinese literature.

摘要: 当代叙事伦理要回应的一大关键,是意义的存在问题。本文通过回溯西方关于“上帝之死”的不同说法,和中西哲人关于“虚无”的多种理解,力图厘清“虚无”和“虚无主义”的混淆,并多角度考虑了意义的着落问题.论文还在探讨了德里达的“延异”和“幽灵学”之后,将解构思想定位于后哲学之思的元伦理面向。论文提炼了这一元伦理面向的基本特征:准无神论的弥赛亚性,自身保持与自身之差异的灵敏嗅觉,不断突破“小我”跃向“无限”的冲动,面向未思之物的执拗的不妥协精神,充满谢意地把解构作为礼物赠与文本制作者的诚恳而优雅的风度,凭“触感”而凝视对象的羞涩表情,向他者、向未来开放的决绝意志,有生殖力的多元性和多重立场,对幸存者伦理的彻底忠诚,以及在文字中不断经历自我死亡的痛苦体验等。

关键词: 元伦理, 虚无, 延异, 幽灵学

Abstract: One of the foremost problems that contemporary narrative ethics must respond to is whether meaning exists. This paper reviews the different Western versions of the death of God and the various understandings of "nothingness" among Chinese and Western thinkers, attempts to distinguish "nothingness" from "nihilism", and hopes to pin down the location of the meaning formation from multiple perspectives. It proceeds to investigate Derrida's "différance" and "spectrology" and positions deconstructionism in the meta-ethical dimension of post-philosophical thinking. The paper has also summarized the basic features of the meta-ethical dimension.

Key words: meta-ethics, nothingness, difference, spectrology