
文艺理论研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (1): 121-129.

• 西方文论与美学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南京大学人文社会科学高级研究院和艺术学院
  • 出版日期:2013-01-25 发布日期:2013-02-20
  • 作者简介:周宪,南京大学人文社会科学高级研究院和艺术学院教授。主要学术兴趣集中在美学、文艺学和文化研究等方面;在文化现代性研究和视觉文学研究领域于国内学界有较大影响。

Critique of Foucault's Theory of Discourse

Zhou Xian   

  1. the Higher Research Institute of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and the School of Liberal Arts, Nanjing University
  • Online:2013-01-25 Published:2013-02-20
  • About author:Zhou Xian, Ph.D., is a professor at the Higher Research Institute of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and the School of Liberal Arts, Nanjing University, with research interests covering aesthetics, theory of literature and arts, and cultural studies.

摘要: “法国理论”是法国后结构主义思潮的另一种表述,尤以福柯的话语论影响最大。话语论一方面强调话语对主体及其现实世界的建构,另一方面又力图揭示了话语后面的权力与知识共生关系。这一理论的核心是建构主义的认识论,它在彰显主体的话语建构时却又消解了主体认知能动性,在凸显话语的表意实践时却排斥了非话语的社会物质实践。话语论专注于文本分析,带有“话语拜物教”倾向,但却未能指出反话语的有效路径等。话语论的流行是一个晚近知识生产中值得关注的动向,对它的反思和批判有必要指出这一理论偏颇,并结合其他理论来纠偏,进而使之更具解释的有效性。

关键词: 法国理论, 福柯, 话语论, 知识—权力共生, 制度分析, 物质实践

Abstract: "French theory" is another expression for the post-structuralist thought in France, with Foucault's theory of discourse being the most influential, and constructivism lies at the core of the theory. On the one hand, the theory of discourse highlights the function discourse performs in constructing subjectivity and the reality; on the other hand, it aims to reveal the symbiotic relation between the power and knowledge behind discourse. Thus, the theory dissolves the cognitive agency of the subject while foregrounding the subject's construction of discourse, and it highlights the representational practice of discourse while forecloses the social material practice of the non-discourse. The theory of discourse focuses on textual analysis and displays a tendency of "discourse fetish", but it fails to reveal any anti-discursive approach. The theory of discourse is a noteworthy recent trend in knowledge production, and it has its demerits, which could be exposed through the reflection on and critique of this theory and improved to gain more interpretative validity through the integration between this theory and other theories.

Key words: French theory, Foucault, theory of discourse, knowledge-power symbiosis, institutional analysis, material practice