
文艺理论研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (1): 53-61.

• 专题:海外中国现代文学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 深圳大学;暨南大学
  • 出版日期:2013-01-25 发布日期:2013-02-20
  • 作者简介:李凤亮,江苏阜宁人,深圳大学副校长,教授,研究方向为批评理论、比较诗学与文化研究。 胡平,江西赣州人,暨南大学文学院研究生。

Sinophone Literature and World Literature in Chinese

Li Fengliang, Hu Ping   

  1. Shenzhen University; Jinan University
  • Online:2013-01-25 Published:2013-02-20
  • About author:Li Fengliang is a professor of comparative literature and vice president at Shenzhen University. His research area covers critical theory, comparative poetics and cultural studies. Hu Ping gets his M.A. in College of Liberal Arts at Jinan University.

摘要: 近年来海外关于“Sinophone Literature”(华语语系文学)的讨论与实践,既显示出海外现代中国文学研究界以“边缘”谋取美国汉学“中心”话语权的努力,又反映出他们借助反殖民、去中心化等学术理路与中国大陆争夺学术主导话语的心态,其中隐含着浓烈的“话语政治”。“华语语系文学”与“世界华文文学”在价值立场、理论方法、研究旨归上差异明显,却也为流散文化语境下跨地域的“中国现代诗学”的形成提供了诸多学术启示。

关键词: 华语语系文学, 世界华文文学, 批评理论, 流散文化, 话语政治

Abstract: Recent discussions regarding Sinophone literature demonstrate that overseas Chinese literary research circle is attempting to claim discursive power from the American sinological field and is making its way from the margin to the centre. Meanwhile, these overseas researchers, by adopting a decolonizing and decentralizing approach, try to contest with mainland China's academic circle for dominant discursive power. Beneath the discussions is a strong sense of discursive politics. Sinophone literature and world literature in Chinese are remarkably different in terms of their respective value positions, theoretical approaches and research objectives, but researches on Sinophone literature can inform the formation of modern Chinese poetics across geographical boundaries in the context of diasporic cultures.

Key words: Sinophone literature, world literature in Chinese, critical theory, diasporic culture, discursive politics