
文艺理论研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (1): 46-52.

• 专题:海外中国现代文学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 复旦大学中文系
  • 出版日期:2013-01-25 发布日期:2013-02-20
  • 作者简介:余夏云,复旦大学中文系博士后,主要从事现当代文学、海外汉学研究。

A Positioning of China in the Global Space: Reflecting the Overseas Debate on Chineseness and Sinophone

Yu Xiayun   

  1. Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Fudan University
  • Online:2013-01-25 Published:2013-02-20
  • About author:Yu Xiayun is a postdoctoral fellow at Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Fudan University, with research interests in modern Chinese literature and overseas Chinese literature studies.

摘要: 本文旨在通过回顾海外英语世界有关“中国性”的论述,指出各种讨论中所蕴含的意识形态结构和文化操控意图,点明“中国性”话语之中存在“被误用”和“故意被误用”两个层面,而且对“中国性”的提炼也不应该只局限在政治疆域之内,而应该开放为一种既包含本土内部的文化传承与新变,也包括广布海内外的中西文化对话的进程。特别是后一维度的加入,将能够有效遏制“中国性”蜕变成一种单一的民族中心主义或国家主义。而且应当承认,在某种意义上,“中国性”必须有它的不纯粹性,甚至于枝蔓旁出,乃至变种变性。惟其如此,我们才可以领会所谓的“中州正韵”不必只是原地打转或心无旁骛地一以贯之,也可以追踪、定位所谓的离散文学和华语表述,并将其视为对“中国性”的当代增益与充实。

关键词: 中国性, 离散, 华语表述, 身份认同

Abstract: This paper tries to reveal the ideological structure and cultural manipulation behind those discussions around the recent debate on Chineseness in the overseas world. It points out that intentional misuse should be further distinguished from the misuse in the discourse of Chineseness, and that the refinement of Chineseness should not be confined in the political field but be opened to include the cultural inheritance and renovation in the native land as well as the cultural progress through the dialogue between worldwide Chinese and Western. With the dialogue seeped through the debate, Chineseness may then be curbed from degenerating into a unilateral ethnocentrism or nationalism. It must be acknowledged that there should be adulterations in and different versions of the concept of Chineseness. Thus, the concept of orthodox Chinese essence can be used to track the trajectory and locate the position of diasporic literature and Sinophone so that it may supplement and expand our understanding of Chineseness.

Key words: Chineseness, diaspora, Sinophone, identity