
文艺理论研究 ›› 2012, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (1): 72-80.

• 中西文论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 澳大利亚昆士兰大学
  • 出版日期:2012-01-25 发布日期:2012-03-24
  • 作者简介:赛蒙·杜林,澳大利亚昆士兰大学研究教授,曾任教于墨尔本大学与美国约翰霍普金斯大学,有文化研究、后殖民主义与文学史著作多部。

From the subaltern to the precariat

Simon During   

  1.  the University of Queensland (CHED, University of Queensland, St Lucia QLD 4082 Australia)
  • Online:2012-01-25 Published:2012-03-24
  • About author:Simon During is an Australian Research Professor at the University of Queensland (CHED, University of Queensland, St Lucia QLD 4082 Australia) and has previously taught at the University of Melbourne and Johns Hopkins University. He is well known for his work in cultural studies, postcolonialism and literary history. His book Against Democracy: Literary Experience in the Era of Emancipations is forthcoming in 2012.

摘要: 由于新自由主义在全球取得了主控地位,贱民阶层这一概念如今已日渐不再适用,而需要布尔迪厄所创的“无保工”这一术语加以取代。继而,本文进一步论述,贱民阶层这一范畴之源是文化研究、后殖民主义与贱民研究这几个关键的后学科,而这些后学科本身则是西方1968年革命的产物。在当今这一全球资本主义时代,这些学科的适用性日趋式微。与贱民阶层这一概念相比,无保工概念则更加宽泛,不仅仅包括了那些生活在世界体系边缘的人,而且可以包括所有附加于某些文化形成过程中的人;而这些文化的形成并非主要以经济为主要目的或收益。本文的论述所涉及的文学批评部分则集中在普利莫·莱维的《基督止于艾伯利》和阿米特·乔杜里的《不朽者》两部作品。

关键词: 贱民阶层, 无保工, 新自由资本主义, 后学科, 后殖民

Abstract: This essay argues that, given the global dominance of neo-liberal capitalism, the concept of the subaltern now needs to be replaced by that of the precariat, a term first used by Pierre Bourdieu. It further argues that the category of the subaltern emerged in key post-disciplines of cultural studies, postcolonialism and subaltern studies, all of which themselves belong to the aftermath of the West's 1968 revolutions. In our era of global capitalism, their usefulness is in decline. Indeed the precariat is a broader category than the subaltern since it covers not just those who live on the margins of the world system but all of those who are attached to cultural formations that are not primarily economic in purpose or benefit. The essay presents its arguments in part through literary critical readings of two particular texts: Primo Levi's Christ stopped at Eboli, and Amit Chaudhuri's The Immortals.

Key words: subaltern, the precariat, noe-liberal capitalism, post-discipline, post colonialism
