

• “五四文学百年纪念”专题 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 江西师范大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2019-05-25 发布日期:2019-06-28
  • 作者简介:陶水平,文学博士,江西师范大学文学院教授、北京师范大学文艺学中心兼职研究员,主要从事中外文艺美学研究。
  • 基金资助:

The Historical Genesis and Contemporary Development of the Theory "Chinese Artistic Spirit" during the Twentieth Century

Tao Shuiping   

  1. the School of Literature of Jiangxi Normal University
  • Online:2019-05-25 Published:2019-06-28
  • About author:Tao Shuiping, Ph. D., is a professor at the School of Literature of Jiangxi Normal University and Part-time Research Fellow at the Center for Literary Theory of Beijing Normal University. His research interests cover the study of Chinese and foreign literary aesthetics.
  • Supported by:
    the Major Project of National Social Sciences Fund for Art (16ZD02) and Major Project of Key Humanities Bases of the Ministry of Education (160JD5008 ).

摘要: 本文所论述的“中国艺术精神”论是20世纪中国美学和文艺研究的一种绵延百年的重要美学思潮和文论传统,近年来成为学界的一个热点话题。鉴于目前的研究往往限于不同侧面,本文力图对这一美学思潮的学术谱系、历史语境、哲学基础、理论内涵、理论特质、理论价值及其当代发展等问题进行整体式理论图绘,以期推动中国艺术和美学精神问题的研究。本文提出,“中国艺术精神”论是一种以中国美学史和艺术史研究面貌呈现的中国现代人生美学和文艺美学理论建构形态。它不是在纯美学意义上理解艺术,而是把艺术理解为人的生存方式和民族文化精神的感性呈现。它以现代新儒学生命本体论为理论基础,融会中西古今之学,在中国现代民族文化精神建构中发挥了重要作用,成为中国美学现代性的一个重要理论面向,其理论不足也激发了今人的理论创新和超越。

关键词: “中国艺术精神”论, 美学现代性, 历史生成, 当代发展

Abstract: The theory "Chinese artistic spirit" in this article is an important aesthetic trend and literary tradition, which has been lasting over the past hundred years in the study of Chinese aesthetics and literary theory. It has become frequently discussed by scholars in recent years. Considering the fact that existing scholarship is always limited to one of the different aspects, this article aims to promote the study of Chinese art and aesthetic spirit through a holistic theoretical description and illustration of the academic genealogy, historical context, philosophical basis, theoretical connotation, characteristics and value, and the contemporary development of the aesthetic trend of thought. This article points out that the theory of "Chinese artistic spirit" is a theoretical construction of modern Chinese life and literary aesthetics, which is presented as the study of Chinese aesthetic and art history. It does not consider art in a purely aesthetic sense, but as a perceptual representation of people's way of life and national cultural spirit. Based on the theory of life ontology of modern Neo-Confucianism, it integrates the traditional and modern learning of China and the West, thus playing an important role in the construction of modern Chinese national cultural spirit, as an important theoretical orientation of Chinese aesthetic modernity. Its theoretical deficiencies also stimulate the theoretical innovation and development by contemporary scholars.

Key words: the theory of Chinese artistic spirit, aesthetic modernity, historical generation, contemporary development