

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 武汉大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2019-05-25 发布日期:2019-06-28
  • 作者简介:李建中,文学博士,武汉大学文学院教授、博士生导师,主要从事中国文论及文化研究。
  • 基金资助:

Reinterpreting the Concept of Human in the Pre-Qin Classics of Literary Theory

Li Jianzhong   

  1. the School of Chinese Language and Literature at Wuhan University
  • Online:2019-05-25 Published:2019-06-28
  • About author:Li Jianzhong, Ph. D., is a professor in the School of Chinese Language and Literature at Wuhan University. His area of academic specialty is Chinese literary theory and culture.
  • Supported by:
    the Major Project of National Social Sciences Fund (12&ZD153).

摘要: 先秦文论元典之中,“人”是最重要最根本的关键词。首先,先秦文论关于“人”的定义是多元的,儒家元典将“人”与“仁”互训,强调“人”的仁义及慈爱;道家元典主张“人法自然”,强调人的天性及逍遥,墨家元典崇尚“人”的非乐与节欲,构成“人”论之另类。其次,倮虫三千,人为之长。“人”长于何处?语言。孔儒有立言、文言、慎言之诉求,庄子有寓言、重言、卮言之策略。同为儒家文论元典,《尚书》是训诰,《论语》是对话,《孟子》是辩难;同为道家文论元典,《老子》是诗体,《庄子》是谐体。综合儒道,可将先秦文论元典“人”的语言性存在表述为训诰与对话、辩难与独白、诗言与谐言的悖立与整合。再次,《易》以“乾”为首,“乾”以“人”为心。三才之心不仅是“人”的定位,更是“人”的使命。天,人之巅顶也,既超越式地标举人的永恒,亦宿命般地规定人的位阶。重释先秦文论元典之“人”,既可除本土人“义”歧出、人“言”悖立和人“命”乖谬之障,亦可去异域近现代哲学从尼采到福柯的“人之死”之弊,从而为汉语阐释学“人”义重释提供新的思路及方法。

关键词: 人义, 人言, 人命, 先秦文论元典

Abstract: In the pre-Qin classics of literary theory, "human" is one of the most important and fundamental concepts. First, the significance of human in the pre-Qin era is diverse. While Confucianism interconnects "human" and "benevolence" and emphasizes the kindhearted dimension of humanity, Taoism, under the slogan that "Man conforms to nature," stresses the unfettered nature of humankind. As an alternative voice, Mohism devalues music and underlines the principle of abstinence. Secondly, the pre-Qin philosophers consider language to be the specialty that distinguishes human beings from other animals. Specifically, Confucians advocate "to achieve glory by writing," "to pass down the classics," and "to be cautious about words," while Chuang Tzu is known for his literary strategies of "dwelling words," "opalescent words," and "goblet words." Among the Confucian classics, Book of Documents mainly contains the kings' instructions and announcements, while Analects of Confucius and Mencius comprise of dialogues and debates respectively. Among the Taoist classics, Lao Tzu features a poetic style, while Chuang Tzu is witty on the linguistic level. Thus, both Confucianism and Taoism recognize the linguistic nature of human existence and manifest it with the dualities such as instructions/announcements and dialogues, debates and monologues, as well as the poetic and the witty. Finally, Book of Changes starts with the trigram of Qian, which centers on human. This anthropocentrism indicates not only the paramount importance but also the transcendental mission of the human being. Given all the three aspects, reinterpreting the concept of human in the pre-Qin classics of literary theory, on the one hand, clarifies the misunderstanding of the word's significance in the Chinese context; on the other hand, it counterbalances the modern Western theory of "the death of Man" pronounced by Nietzsche and Foucault. The aim of this research, however, is to provide new ideas and methods for the reinterpretation of human on the level of Chinese hermeneutics.

Key words: the significance of human, human speech, the destiny and mission of human, the pre-Qin classics of literary theory