

• 中国特色话语体系:中国文论70年回顾反思 •    下一篇



  1. 上海戏剧学院
  • 出版日期:2019-05-25 发布日期:2019-06-28
  • 作者简介:周锡山,文学硕士,上海戏剧学院教授、上海艺术研究所研究员,主要从事文艺理论和艺术学理论研究。
  • 基金资助:

The Research Style and Original Achievements of Xu Zhongyu's Theories on Literature and Art

Zhou Xishan   

  1. Shanghai Theatre Academy
  • Online:2019-05-25 Published:2019-06-28
  • About author:Zhou Xishan, M. A., is a professor at Shanghai Theatre Academy and a research fellow at Shanghai Institute of Art. His areas of academic specialty are literary and art theories. Address: No. 2, 112 Lane, Fenyang Road, Shanghai 200031, China.
  • Supported by:
    Peak Discipline Project of Shanghai Universities

摘要: 年已一〇四岁的徐中玉一生治文艺理论研究,其六十余载的学术生涯与新中国同步发展,形成了鲜明的学术风格:理论和实践相结合,古代和现代相结合,继承和创新相结合。在文艺理论研究中获得多个首创性的成就:首创古代文论资料的全面收集和分类汇编的研究方法,在古代文论领域发表一系列首创性的重要学术观点,提倡跨学科的文艺理论研究,主张将古今中外的理论资源相结合以建立现代文艺理论体系,还首创在继承古代文论的基础上发展新的理论学说的方法。作为一代学术宗师,他不仅提供了示范性的研究成果,更向学术界提供了新的研究方法,为后学的深入研究指明了方向。徐中玉先生在文艺理论领域所作出的杰出成就,是新中国成立后70年的历史中具有标志性的杰出理论成果,对21世纪中国的文艺理论研究和发展具有很大的启示和指导意义。

关键词: 徐中玉, 文艺理论, 研究风格, 首创性

Abstract: The 104-year-old Xu Zhongyu, whose academic career of over sixty years has been in tandem with the development of the PRC, has established his distinct style in the theoretical studies of literature and art, namely the combination of theory and practice, of the ancient and the modern, and of inheritance and innovation. His original achievements include initiating the methodology of comprehensively collecting and categorically compiling the materials of ancient Chinese literary theory, raising a series of original and significant academic viewpoints on ancient Chinese literary theory, advocating an interdisciplinary research on the theories of literature and art, envisioning a modern system of literary and art theory in combination of multiple theoretical resources, and developing new theories based on inheriting ancient Chinese literary theory. As an academic master, he not only performed exemplary research but also provided new methodologies in guidance of further in-depth studies.

Key words: Xu Zhongyu, literary and art theories, research style, originality