
文艺理论研究 ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 32-39.

• 古代文论与古代文学的理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 江南大学人文学院
  • 出版日期:2017-09-25 发布日期:2017-11-26
  • 作者简介:熊湘,文学博士,江南大学人文学院讲师,主要从事于中国古代文学批评研究。

On The Misunderstanding and Reception of "To Be a Poet in The Spare Time"

Xiong Xiang   

  1. School of Humanities Jiang Nan University (Wuxi 214122, China)
  • Online:2017-09-25 Published:2017-11-26
  • About author:Xiong Xiang, Ph.D., is a lecturer in School of Humanities Jiang Nan University (Wuxi 214122, China). His research focus on ancient Chinese literary criticism.

摘要: “余事作诗人”是韩愈《和席八十二韵》中的诗句,其本义为韩愈对席八的赞许。自宋代始,部分论者将其作为独立的话题,阐发一己之见。部分论者将自己的理解附会到韩愈身上,形成解读与还原之间的错位。他们对“余事作诗人”的理解包括:以诗歌为文章余事;以诗歌为政事、德行之余事。前者反映出北宋欧阳修等人的诗学观念,后者延续了古人传统的价值判断。重视典故、出处的笺释思路,会在一定程度上忽视原诗的本意,从而成为误读不断的重要原因。此外,后人在诗歌中对“余事作诗人”的化用,则继续了“诗人”身份的诗性表达,也接近于韩诗原意。

关键词: 余事, 诗人, 韩愈, 欧阳修, 笺释

Abstract: "To Be a Poet in The Spare Time" was a verse from Han Yu (768-824), and he praised Xi Ba with this verse. From North Song Dynasty, some people made it as an independent topic to express their own opinions. And some people even add their own understandings to Han Yu, which lead to the confusion about quoting and annotating. They had two explanations about the verse, poem was less important than essay, or poem was less important than government affairs and moral integrity. The former reflected the poetics of Ou Yangxiu (1007-1072) and others, and the latter continued traditional values of ancient people. The action which attaching importance to the allusion and annotation was the important reason of misunderstanding real intention, and it also ignored the original mean of this verse. Additionally, in the process of borrowing this verse to create new poetry, the later generations continued the poetic expression when they used this verse, and it more closed to the original intention of Han Yu.

Key words: Spare Time, poet, Han Yu, Ou Yangxiu, annotation