
文艺理论研究 ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 177-187.

• 现当代文论与批评 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 青岛大学文学院
  • 出版日期:2017-09-25 发布日期:2017-11-26
  • 作者简介:赵建章,文学博士,青岛大学文学院副教授,主要从事古代文论研究。 赵迎芳,硕士,山东社会科学院助理研究员,主要从事文化管理和文学理论研究。

Traditional Misunderstanding of "Meaning not Fully Expressed by Language" and a Correction from the Perspective of Philosophy of Language

Zhao Jianzhang, Zhao Yingfang   

  1. the School of Chinese Language and literature of Qingdao University (Qingdao 266071, China)
  • Online:2017-09-25 Published:2017-11-26
  • About author:Zhao Jianzhang, Ph.D, is associate professor in the School of Chinese Language and literature of Qingdao University (Qigndao 266071, China). His research focus is Ancient Chinese literary theory. Zhao Yingfang, Juris Master, is assistant researcher at Shandong Academy of Social Sciences (Jinan 250002, China), whose research focus is Cultural management and literary theory.

摘要: “言不尽意”是言意关系在理论上的神秘化。在主客不分的道境中,“意”和“言”都是不存在的,因此并不存在可说不可说的问题。传统思想对言意关系的理解,以朴素的反映论为基础,认为思想是对世界的符合,语言是对思想的符合。从现代语言哲学的角度来看,思想是我们对世界的理解,而世界是在语言的层面上被理解的。意识和思想是语言的建构,而不是在语言之前已经存在的现成之物。“言不尽意”论暗示存在一种私有语言,但脱离公共语言规则的私有语言并不能产生意义。“言不尽意”在某种程度上说的是语言不能代替现实或不能代替我们对现实的感觉,但这种说法在哲学上是无意义的。

关键词: 言不尽意, 意识, 思想, 语言, 语言哲学

Abstract: The preposition that meaning is not fully expressed by language is a mystification of the relationship between meaning and language. There is no consciousness and language in the undivided state of the subject and the object, and therefore there are no issues of the speakable and the unspeakable. The understanding of the relationship between language and meaning in traditional thought is based on the theory of simple reflection, holding that thought is the conformity to the world and the language is the conformity to thought. From the perspective of modern philosophy of language, thought is human's understanding of the world, and the world is understood on the basis of language. Consciousness and thought are not something ready-made, but rather the construction of language. The view that meaning is not fully expressed by language implies that there is a private language, but such a language independent from common language has no meaning. This view that meaning is not fully expressed by language means in a sense language cannot substitute the reality or our perception of the reality, but it has no meaning in philosophy.

Key words: meaning not fully expressed by language, consciousness, thought, language, philosophy of language